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View Full Version : MYST Released

October 14th, 2006, 16:29
Another new game released in the UK and now its Myst, heres the details:


Over a decade since PC adventurers first sampled the delights of Myst's emotive and visual feasts, the new PSP version will engage the player like never before and literally take them to another world. There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living soul.
Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. The Myst adventure is like no other, tantalizing with its unique combination of lavish environments, puzzles, mazes, and a sizzling underlying drama which steadily unfolds to reward the player further still.

More Info & Buy at AmazonUK (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.uk%2Fexec%2Fob idos%2FASIN%2FB000G3G7EE&tag=dcemu-21&linkCode=ur2&camp=1634&creative=6738)

October 14th, 2006, 17:30
Lets' hope that they'll release Riven next!

Basil Zero
October 14th, 2006, 17:57
hope this comes out in US

October 14th, 2006, 18:33
Great! =)

Anyone knows where to find a review of this? - I can't seem to find any =\.

Wanted to know if it is any good! =)

October 14th, 2006, 18:51
I gotta get this game. I've only played Riven on PSX and thought the atmosphere was so good (too bad I had to change discs very often).
I'll buy this if the reviews are good enough.

October 14th, 2006, 20:15
looking forward to playing this. it sounds awesome.

October 14th, 2006, 20:35
I'm sure I advised against this game even being considered. Still... people buy what they want..

October 15th, 2006, 02:30
Yes, because people have different tastes, and you have to respect that. Otherwise you'd be considered a fool. :P

October 15th, 2006, 12:34
I LOVED this game! :eek: It was soooo pretty when it was released :rolleyes: It was a game you used to show off your PC ;) Off looking for reviews myself now... :p

October 15th, 2006, 13:49
I was really excited by this game untill I realised that i was confusing it with zork: nemesis. :)

Without the panoramic 360 degree images its just not the same, sure it will bring back a lot of memories to those old enough to have played the original when it first came out though

October 15th, 2006, 23:36
Forget Myst, they need to release Return To Zork. Or better yet, KINGS QUEST 5! :D

October 16th, 2006, 07:45
I got this expecting a visual feast.

All I can say is: the graphics look ten years old. The sound is rather tinny and seems to lack clarity and punch. I'm sure the game itself is decent once you get into it, but for a game that is meant to be visually stunning, it really disappoints.

October 16th, 2006, 09:00
It was visually stunning in 1993 :)
Problem is not much has changed....

October 16th, 2006, 15:32
We reviewed the Japanese version of Myst PSP in Issue #12 of PSP Galaxy.

I'm a big fan of Myst (I've played every game, including RealMyst and all the Uru expansions) and unfortunately I was quite disappointed with the PSP conversion. The slides haven't been upgraded in resolution really from the original game, and the control is kind of finicky with the PSP nub. I'm still pretty optimistic about further ports though - Riven's high resolution movies would come out looking pretty OK awesome on the PSP screen. :D You can read our full review of the jap game here (http://www.gamersgalaxy.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1798).