View Full Version : XBMC Remote Interface V0.7 Mod

October 15th, 2006, 13:26
New release from trex6662k5 of his mod of jonnys Xbox Media Centre Remote Interface, heres the info from the readme:

Changes Since V0.6 Mod

-Index.lua is now system.lua in system folder

-Thumbnail path is now no longer fixed

-Fixed a mistype which caused the script to crash when adding a folder to playlist

-Removed that annoying sound that played everytime you pressed a direction key

-Button to play DVD (option to automatically switch to remotecontrol after pressing)

-Button to restart XBMC (By using new left shoulder button modifier)

-Fixed the play timer so it gives you a very slightly inaccurate position of music\video

-Fixed the issue with getcurrentlyplaying with a Time of nil

-Left shoulder button modifier
holding the left shoulder button in combination with others will trigger alternative actions
Currently (holding left trigger)
Left and Right (Previous and Next, (for music, videos or picutures))
Up and down (on shutdown button will cycle though 2 available options, restart or shutdown xbox)
Cross (sync with the xbox)

-Static writing which were drawn at runtime
Writing which remained from V0.2 in the remote control screen
Writing at the top of the main screens
Have now been moved to the background PNGs
A mild performace increase

-neatened code (well in my eyes anyways) and reorganised functions and made less use of variables
A mild performace increase

-Reduced the length of the now playing scroller which caused most lag and timeouts if it were too long
A HUGE performance increase

Known Bugs.
--Controls are now extremely responsive. I am currently thinking this is due to the performance increase
unless I broke something elsewhere. I played around with the delay settings in settings.ini but no
change. Having spent a few hours dribbing at this problem Ive given up

--If you have a playlist playing already before you logged on using the PSP. Next and previous functions
dont work untill the script makes its own local playlist (eg by playing a file)

Ideas (May need a whole redesign for these and might beyond my reach)
"viewing picture of pictures" display (Eg Picture 5 of 13)
--RSS feeds
--getting screenshots in remote controls and for displaying pictures
I have that almost working
--using getsysteminfo to get more information (EG Weather)
sounds\looks easy...now a matter of doing it
--playlists for all media
current problem is depending on which screen your under (video, music, pictures) it will attempt to play the
first file using the command it that screen requires (eg displaypicture for an MP3)
A way to distinguish between video, file and pictures is nescessary and (like xbox) a list of extensions will
need to be kept locally and updated
--play whole folder without viewing it
kinda like pressing select on a folder to add them to a play list
--unicode or a way of converting characters to a more readable form

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via trex6662k5 (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-xbmc-remote-interface-v07-mod-74376.html)

October 15th, 2006, 15:01
Excelent!! keep goin this is great :)
the more functionability between the xbox and psp the better!!

October 16th, 2006, 05:22
i cantt get this to work for the life of me... i keep geting a system.lua error? what did i do wrong