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View Full Version : Rigid Skinning test with bones

October 15th, 2006, 13:31
News/release from Discostew (http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=11436&sid=3949bb6d3afb381e338f192f538b2d4a)

This is my very first public demo of anything involving the GBA or DS, and it is just a simple test of Rigid Skinning of a mesh with bones. I'm just assuming this is considered Rigid Skinning because each vertex is linked to a certain bone, and are manipulated that way (I've been taking close observations of how Maya did skinning). All matrix calculations were done by manual code, though I'm hoping to figure out the problem I'm having with trying to use the DS's matrix registers (could just be an emulator thing, since I have nothing to get testing on real hardware).

Everything was entered by hand (bones, vertices, etc), but I hope to learn a bit of Maya scripting so that I could export a model (and maybe animation) in the format I use to be used. I also hope to some day find out how Smooth Skinning works, since Rigid Skinning has it's limits.

You can download my demo here....
