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View Full Version : PS1P Private Beta 3 News - New PSOne Emu for PSP Coming Soon

October 16th, 2006, 03:29
Hi all its 3am here in the UK and im knackered but anyway i was sent a new beta tonight, it doesnt have dynarec in the emulator yet but theres quite a speed boost over previous beta releases, Command and Conquer Retalition is now close to full Speed and the previously extremely slow Masters of the Tera Kasi has seen a noticeble speedup. Ive just tried Battle Arena Toshinden, Destruction Derby and Some Air Hockey game but none of them loaded also GTA crashed on the loading screen, some game called Crazy Hit2 was very playable infact i reckon full speed. finally Ridge racer was still slow.

Funny how games fluctuate on speed?

Screens of some of the games via Comments & as before i do not know when it will be released but it will be first on DCEmu ;)

October 16th, 2006, 03:33
i want one of this too!

October 16th, 2006, 03:35
Have you tested any of the Final Fantasy games on the emulator yet?

October 16th, 2006, 03:39
This hobo is such a perfectionist. Any normal coder would have released it by now but not AC. Although it's annoying to not get releases, I must admit that to get a release that is not full speed is just a disappointment. I commend you hobo! :)

October 16th, 2006, 03:40
wraggster: Can I help beta test please?

October 16th, 2006, 03:40
I want now!!!!!

October 16th, 2006, 03:45
Awww... More coming soon messages...

October 16th, 2006, 03:45
Sounds like great progress is being made! I have a question... did Ridge Racer have a widescreen mode or is it being stretched in that photo? The only reason I ask is because looking at the proportions of the text, the speedometer and the cars it almost looks like a true 16:9 mode...

October 16th, 2006, 03:48
Sounds great! Can't wait till the dyranec engine starts working =D. Soon I will be able to play Castle Vania Symphony of the Night =D

October 16th, 2006, 03:52
we need a full speed N64 emulator for psp too

October 16th, 2006, 03:53
This is so great i just wish more people could see why annoymous coder is staying annonymous.

keep up the great work

October 16th, 2006, 03:55
I cant wait im going crazy!!!!! for this PS1 emulator.

October 16th, 2006, 03:57
Sounds like great progress is being made! I have a question... did Ridge Racer have a widescreen mode or is it being stretched in that photo? The only reason I ask is because looking at the proportions of the text, the speedometer and the cars it almost looks like a true 16:9 mode...

you strike a good point, please tell us.

October 16th, 2006, 04:05
i can't wait to get to try this out for myself :)

October 16th, 2006, 04:10
Man im about to cry for two reasons.....

1. Tears of joy because its makin such good progress

2. Tears of frustration cuz im not wraggster and i cant test it lol.

October 16th, 2006, 04:13
FFS.... stop teasing...

AC, why won't u just release this... Sony has 0 legal options (inless u built in the BIOS or sumthing illegal)... sum games full speed and this still isn't released wahhhhhh....


I can't wait anymore.....

Well, at least he or she (can't be sexist now, can we) is a perfectionist

October 16th, 2006, 04:16
Yay!! Looks like this is comming along NICELY, and way ahead of Sony's PS1 Emu!! Keep up the great work and let the progress keep rolling along as well. Everything looks fantastic! I wish I knew ASM :(

October 16th, 2006, 04:16
sounds good, but thats all: sound.

October 16th, 2006, 04:17
sounds interesting.

i really have to give AC props for not releasing it after so many people have been pleading for it.

keep up the excellent optimizations, and please tell us when you get the dynarec up and running.

October 16th, 2006, 04:17
Nice, I can't wait :)

October 16th, 2006, 04:22
Cool, Grand Theft Auto!

October 16th, 2006, 04:24
glad to hear it's being worked on so diligently. frustrating to not have a release tho... but what can u do right? keep crankin away at it AC Hobo :-)

October 16th, 2006, 04:29
i wonder how strmnnrmn is doing with daedalus right now, has there been any blog updates he posted?

October 16th, 2006, 04:35
whats the URL of his blog?

October 16th, 2006, 04:40
whats the URL of his blog?


October 16th, 2006, 04:48
Nice to know things are looking up for the emu. I will wait patiently for this great day of a new release.

October 16th, 2006, 04:52
dude test ff7 ! ill personally send a direct courrier to send u my copy of FF7 lol 2 business days

October 16th, 2006, 05:00
i thought this was a release this is seriously pissing me off now nice to know the FF games run well though FFVIII forever!

October 16th, 2006, 05:02
If you don't know when it will be released so stop writting it will be coming soon everytime .. it looks more a good deal to make traffic on the website :( nasty business ...

October 16th, 2006, 05:05
i thought this was a release this is seriously pissing me off now nice to know the FF games run well though FFVIII forever!

Same then I saw coming soon then I was like noooooooooooooooo:eek:

If you don't know when it will be released so stop writting it will be coming soon everytime .. it looks more a good deal to make traffic on the website nasty business ...

I agree %100

October 16th, 2006, 05:12
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i want this so bad.

October 16th, 2006, 05:16
Sony would never win a court case with ac however he would have to pay for a lawyer and stuff so i can see why he remains annonymous.

U never know how cases would work out though i mean in america people sue because the coffee they bought was hot...i mean no f*cking sh1t it was hot you f*cking id10t or because mcdonalds made them fat i mean please whats with this bullshit.

October 16th, 2006, 05:17
sony sucks... they will sell the games for his ps1 emu

October 16th, 2006, 05:20
Still no word on a release? :(
At least some progress is being made, hopefully the dynamic recompiler will be added soon.

Thanks for the update wraggy.

October 16th, 2006, 05:22
hey do you have Grandia? if so test it! it is the only game i can think of upgrading my PSP for...its a great game (the first one, not the last few) also, check on Alundra (again the original!)

October 16th, 2006, 05:22
Noo this has nothing to do with being legal or not.

Coders do have to be careful of what they release as they will get into trouble and get issued a CoD order. Sony as of now can only release this order if Anonymous coder released the offiicial bios with the program. Likewise there isnt anything else they can do.

Im glad this coder isnt releasing builds as he/she goes along, thats good. That way there isnt trouble like StrmnNrmn gets in his blog and that puts pressure on the coder. Its good that he's/she's only giving builds out to wraggster which makes it not so fake and good for Dcemus traffic.

To the coder, good luck with this emulator, I can't wait for some games such as Crash Bandicoot to be fully playable on the PSP. Look forward to hearing from you when you release the emulator officially.


October 16th, 2006, 05:35
can you show us some small video of the different game,proving the "full speed,playable,extremely slow" you said,and we'll know what the real process the emu is?
ps:i can wait till the release, i believe the AC!!!

Basil Zero
October 16th, 2006, 05:38
we need a full speed N64 emulator for psp too

we need one asap

October 16th, 2006, 05:38
Raise your hand of your old enough to remember BLEEM!

It's not a matter of Sony actually having a case against AC. It's a matter of of SONY getting a court ordered cease and desist to stop any new releases or distribution of a PSX emu for PSP. If this were to happen SONY would keep delaying court ,all the while the cease and desist in effect, while their PSX emu is released onto the public. The reasoning for this would be to demoralize the defendent hoping all of their will to program the EMU cease but killing time. This crap actually happens. If a homebrew PSX emu is released running at a good speed from the get go, no one will mind as much if a cease and desist is issued because it will still be out in the wilds of the internet.

I am just sick of hearing all these children complain about not having a free PSX emu released because they want it now.

October 16th, 2006, 05:42
this is gonna be awesome, pretty much this and an N64 Emu and my psp dreams will be completed!

October 16th, 2006, 05:54
I don't think Sony is going to go after a free emulator in court, they haven't yet. Neither has Nintendo (although they've threatened UltraHLE. That was years ago, though.. they've never bothered any of the GBA emulators)

This all sounds good, but I do want to say that it more or less confirms my suspicion that the original claim, that it had 90% compatability, was vastly premature and should have never been made. Wraggster's post indicates that it clearly did not have 90% compatability, or the compatability has dramatically lowered because what he reported was 50% compatability - granted, it's too low of a sample size to really mean that but it's very unlikely that it has even over 75% compatability when the games mentioned don't work. These are games by pretty common companies, so some number of games out there are bound to not work either.

If the compatability has decreased that much then that's a serious shame. I can understand it happening with a dynarec, but over other optimizations?

October 16th, 2006, 05:58
Raise your hand of your old enough to remember BLEEM!

It's not a matter of Sony actually having a case against AC. It's a matter of of SONY getting a court ordered cease and desist to stop any new releases or distribution of a PSX emu for PSP. If this were to happen SONY would keep delaying court ,all the while the cease and desist in effect, while their PSX emu is released onto the public. The reasoning for this would be to demoralize the defendent hoping all of their will to program the EMU cease but killing time. This crap actually happens. If a homebrew PSX emu is released running at a good speed from the get go, no one will mind as much if a cease and desist is issued because it will still be out in the wilds of the internet.

I am just sick of hearing all these children complain about not having a free PSX emu released because they want it now.

So why didn't they do anything with:
-Most other PSX emulators for the PC

I thought it was cuz they charged $$ for the emulator...

October 16th, 2006, 05:59
Its intresting that he said that the FF series works.

I would have thought that FFIX would have been the hardest game to get running, with all the extra patches and such you need with a plain PC emulator.

Pleeease some FF screens..I'm dying here!

Mr. Shizzy
October 16th, 2006, 06:19
Wraggster- Thanks for the updates. :) I would like to make a request though... Is there anyway we could get some videos of the betas running as you get updates? Watermark the vids with the DCemu logo smackdab in the middle even...If it wasn't too big, we could still get too witness speed increases, but I bet no one would be able to cut it out and make it look good to steal the vids for other sites. :D I bet traffic to psp-news would multiply ten fold. :) Plus, it would give us more to get excited about. What do you say? PLEEEAAAAAAASE? (lol)

October 16th, 2006, 06:22
So why didn't they do anything with:
-Most other PSX emulators for the PC

I thought it was cuz they charged $$ for the emulator...
Because these PSX emulators for PC are legal (you need the bios, it's in your PSX console).

October 16th, 2006, 06:42
Is there any audio?

October 16th, 2006, 06:58
Because these PSX emulators for PC are legal (you need the bios, it's in your PSX console).
Thats what i'm trying to show... Bleem and VGS got shutdown because they were commerical emulators.... Those weren't... Sony isn't going to try any BS with this... They have 0 legal ground, as long as AC doesn't include a BIOS or other copyrighted material

Mr. Shizzy
October 16th, 2006, 07:01
dagger89- I don't think legal issues have any thing to do with why he is not publicly releasing the betas.

October 16th, 2006, 07:15
he probaly doesnt release any betas yet because he is probaly not ready yet

Mr. Shizzy
October 16th, 2006, 07:20
Exactly. Next thing you know, every site on the web, would be hosting it, having ppl impersonate (cough-PS2nfo-cough) the A.C. , just to get traffic to their site, ect, ect...

October 16th, 2006, 07:29
Noo this has nothing to do with being legal or not.

Coders do have to be careful of what they release as they will get into trouble and get issued a CoD order. Sony as of now can only release this order if Anonymous coder released the offiicial bios with the program. Likewise there isnt anything else they can do.

Im glad this coder isnt releasing builds as he/she goes along, thats good. That way there isnt trouble like StrmnNrmn gets in his blog and that puts pressure on the coder. Its good that he's/she's only giving builds out to wraggster which makes it not so fake and good for Dcemus traffic.

To the coder, good luck with this emulator, I can't wait for some games such as Crash Bandicoot to be fully playable on the PSP. Look forward to hearing from you when you release the emulator officially.


Actually it has little to do with that either. There are complex reasons for the anonymity that noone has come close to. The legality of this, and sony's possible reason will be considered derailment of the topic in further discussion of this emulator. Lets not talk about it anymore.

October 16th, 2006, 07:50
damn stop teasing put it out already!!!

October 16th, 2006, 07:52
Stop boring us With useless Screenshots and no infos at all about this Emulator, Wraggster - Thanks

October 16th, 2006, 07:57
Actually it has little to do with that either. There are complex reasons for the anonymity that noone has come close to. The legality of this, and sony's possible reason will be considered derailment of the topic in further discussion of this emulator. Lets not talk about it anymore.
It just hit me like a ton of bricks... I got now! Alri, then he should hold off until the emulator is mostly complete! Well, the progress being shown sounds amazing, although I would have liked to see an FPS counter in the screenshots... It would be nice to see how much it has progressed since Beta 1, but from what Wraggster is saying, it sounds like a lot!

BTW, Wrag, if you have an eyetoy: http://www.kurve.com.au/sairuk/eyetoy/ U'll be able to use it as a video camera instead of the Moto!

October 16th, 2006, 08:06
It just hit me like a ton of bricks... I got now! Alri, then he should hold off until the emulator is mostly complete! Well, the progress being shown sounds amazing, although I would have liked to see an FPS counter in the screenshots... It would be nice to see how much it has progressed since Beta 1, but from what Wraggster is saying, it sounds like a lot!

BTW, Wrag, if you have an eyetoy: http://www.kurve.com.au/sairuk/eyetoy/ U'll be able to use it as a video camera instead of the Moto!

What, you think quzar is the anonymous coder?

I wonder...


October 16th, 2006, 08:08
Nah, I think I quzar pointed me in the direction of why Sony might do something bout the emulator

Although it may be possible... hmmm... or is it you Exophase? lol

October 16th, 2006, 08:19
...back on topic...
i beleive the proportions of the screen are due to a slight horizontal stretching, and a small vertical crop.

October 16th, 2006, 08:33
Wraggster- Thanks for the updates. :) I would like to make a request though... Is there anyway we could get some videos of the betas running as you get updates? Watermark the vids with the DCemu logo smackdab in the middle even...If it wasn't too big, we could still get too witness speed increases, but I bet no one would be able to cut it out and make it look good to steal the vids for other sites. :D I bet traffic to psp-news would multiply ten fold. :) Plus, it would give us more to get excited about. What do you say? PLEEEAAAAAAASE? (lol)

Great Idea. C'mon Wraggy, we dont ask of much ( :rolleyes: ) but if you could get some videos of this... plaster the DCEMU logo smack in the middle, everyones a winner. We get a sniff of this emu in action, and psp-news traffic explodes!!!!

October 16th, 2006, 08:35
some more games are not working, some other still slow, dunarec is not released yet and the good games dont even start up.
Hell yeah, that what i call a good news :D :D

one winged angel
October 16th, 2006, 08:41
the games i wanna play on this emu are Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and resident evil directors cut

October 16th, 2006, 08:49
Thanks for the update wraggy!

Earlier in this thread there were some asking about the 16/9 look of ridge racer, I think it was in the second anouncent that A.C (or "hobo" if you will) said that he/she cut the top and bottom of the psx screen off on fullscreen mode and that a real psx does the same thing to an extent (borders on the top and bottom of screen, at least on the PAL consoles), so i'm pretty sure it's the perfect mix of pan-scan and stretching that makes the games 'seem' 16/9.

As for why A.C "hobo" is staying in the shadows isn't really important, but half of the posts on this thread are full of speculation about why, so A.C can you do us all a favour and make an announcement about your reasons for staying anonymous, theres enough speculation about this emu, it would be nice to clear something up.

This emu is gonna rock!!, but i'm happy waiting till it's ready:)

Gabba Gandalf
October 16th, 2006, 08:50
give us a try wraggstar

if not i am very sad and unhappy :mad: :mad:

i also cant wait to play TEKKEN 3 on my PSP ;)

October 16th, 2006, 09:56
wait and it will come trust me i have a feeling it will be released before the year is over :D

October 16th, 2006, 10:20
I seriously hope this is real.

October 16th, 2006, 10:31
The Ps1 emulater sounds like its making progress. I can't wait till i get to play all my favorite childhood games again.

October 16th, 2006, 10:52
What I really don't understand is if you don't have an ETA why you keep saying on every topic "New PSOne emu coming soon" :?

October 16th, 2006, 12:06
wraggster : why did you test all of these crappy games lol :-) test some popular ones mentioned earlier in threads related to PSP1P.

October 16th, 2006, 12:06
another.....coming....soon.....message! aaaaargh!

dus any one now if c&c retaliation is newer or befor red alert. coz red alert is the one ive got. and i love it/

****wraggy can you test FFIX and MGS???

October 16th, 2006, 12:09
I look forward to the release of this emu,i forgot to send you a few dvd disks and a usb cable for your new toy Wraggster,i'll get them to you as soon as i can m8

October 16th, 2006, 12:51
These are games by pretty common companies, so some number of games out there are bound to not work either.
You'd be amazed how the more famous/common company it is, the harder to get working. The bigger companies used to do some nasty stuff with the HW.

I'd bet one of the biggest compatibility problems will be the subchannel-protected games like Tomb Raider 1 (and I think 2 too). So no easy TR guys. IIRC 3-5 aren't protected though :)

Well anyway I don't believe the 90% thing either :p

October 16th, 2006, 12:51
PS1P Final News - Quite New PSOne Emu for PSP Coming Soon :)

anyway nice that some games running nearly fullspeed without any dynarec

October 16th, 2006, 13:15
Nah, I think I quzar pointed me in the direction of why Sony might do something bout the emulator

Although it may be possible... hmmm... or is it you Exophase? lol

That was certainly not my intention.

You'd be amazed how the more famous/common company it is, the harder to get working. The bigger companies used to do some nasty stuff with the HW.

I'd bet one of the biggest compatibility problems will be the subchannel-protected games like Tomb Raider 1 (and I think 2 too). So no easy TR guys. IIRC 3-5 aren't protected though :)

Well anyway I don't believe the 90% thing either :p

Sort of. Since the things that the biggest/most popular companies/games do are usually the most welll known, and worked around, although they tend to be harder to do than the mediocre games that use almost nothing, they pale in comparison to the one random korean company that didn't have a devkit of any sort and did EVERYTHING completely differently from everyone else =P.

October 16th, 2006, 13:36
great news

October 16th, 2006, 14:07
The person who is coding this emulator doesn't owe anyone here anything and the lack of patience shown is shameful and reminiscent of a small child begging for candy.

I do not see the point of releasing the emulator if it will be running really slowly overall, surely it is better to be released with a completed dynarec and less bugs.

It is obvious that the traffic will be increased to this site when news is posted about the emulator but no one has to read it or post, it is our choice.

The only thing that I would like to see at this point are decent video clips of the emulator running.

There are more than enough other excellent homebrew, emulators and games to keep me occupied enough not to be too worried about when this is going to be released, for example gpSP, CPS 1 and 2, Snes TYL and the soon to be released GTA VCS.

October 16th, 2006, 14:19
The person who is coding this emulator doesn't owe anyone here anything and the lack of patience shown is shameful and reminiscent of a small child begging for candy.

There are more than enough other excellent homebrew, emulators and games to keep me occupied enough not to be too worried about when this is going to be released, for example gpSP, CPS 1 and 2, Snes TYL.
VERY WELL SAID! I completely agree that it shines a bad light on our homebrew community to see people almost demanding a "BETA" release to the public. Its obvious by now that the A.C. wants this project to be in the spotlight as one of the top homebrew projects for the PSP. For this reason, it appears the A.C. wants this EMU to be well advanced before a release. And that is good news.

I will be busy with gpSP for quite some time. Its not essential that another EMU is released yet to feed my Video Game ADD :D

Let the dust clear first!

October 16th, 2006, 14:21
who will win the race ???? coder or sony lets go ???? coder

October 16th, 2006, 14:26
I bet this gonna be released on April the 1st in 2007,
and all the fake screenshots will be included in .psd files.. hahahha :D

October 16th, 2006, 14:27
I can't wait - please release a beta

October 16th, 2006, 14:30
I bet this gonna be released on April the 1st in 2007,
and all the fake screenshots will be included in .psd files.. hahahha :D
ha ha, Wraggster already got us good this past April by posting news of a Nintendo DS emulator for the PSP. Screenshot and everything. Of course it was an April fools joke but some people initially wet their pants, LOL...

October 16th, 2006, 14:33
I was frustrated at waiting at first, but I think of it now as "Previews" like on IGN. Video clips would be nice. Also, I am curious about how the controls are.

October 16th, 2006, 14:50
There is no point in the author of this emulator to release anything at the moment. Why release something that he obviously doesn't feel is ready yet? The only thing that will happen if he releases it now is get bombarded with people complaining about game X not working, please get this game working blah blah blah blah. Wow...you think it would change in the emulation scene after 12 some years. Patience is a virtue people.

October 16th, 2006, 15:14
crazy hit 2 is homebrew

October 16th, 2006, 16:01
I'm glad to hear about the progress of this emulator I hope the A.C is succesful with creating the dynamic recompiler then maybe when he/she does that and makes a nice gui he/she will release it.

October 16th, 2006, 17:16
Many thanks for the update Wragg :)

This is starting to sound better and better with every news update. I hope AC realises that most of us can wait and aren`t into baggering him for a quick release.

Also, why is he nicknamed "hobo"?

October 16th, 2006, 17:18
the dreaded words coming soon, looks mr hobo has this coming along quite well now once he gets the dynarec most games will be fullspeed :eek: i hope he makes good progress, i think he should utilise the media engine for sound since most people are 1.5ers now

October 16th, 2006, 18:02
once he gets the dynarec most games will be fullspeed

says who? I highly doubt most games will be fullspeed with just the dynarec put in.

October 16th, 2006, 18:21
Bloody tease! :rolleyes: Still.... It'll be worth the wait Im sure :p

October 16th, 2006, 18:45
Many thanks for the update Wragg :)

This is starting to sound better and better with every news update. I hope AC realises that most of us can wait and aren`t into baggering him for a quick release.

Also, why is he nicknamed "hobo"?

Im not actually sure if this is sounding better and better. Before we were told that lots of games are running full speed, now we have been told that games are crashing and some are very slow.

But still, I dont and wont complain.. This emu is still gonna be totally f***kin sweet Great work A.C Hobo :D :D :D :D :D

October 16th, 2006, 18:45
I posted this before reading quzar's post about not talking about it anymore. I still feel that the points that I made are valid, but I apologize for posting this after that mandate was (unbeknownst to me) put forth.

...Sony has 0 legal options (inless u built in the BIOS or sumthing illegal...

COME ON, people! Sony DOES have legal options... they can bring a suit, whether it is right or wrong, and that suit may go to trial. They might lose the trial, but AC is not going to want to even GO to trial at all. End result: development on the emu ends in order for AC to avoid going to trial against Sony, and we are screwed.

Coders do have to be careful of what they release as they will get into trouble and get issued a CoD order. Sony as of now can only release this order if Anonymous coder released the offiicial bios with the program. Likewise there isnt anything else they can do.

Wrong, Sony can do whatever they want to do. Here's how it will go down:

AC: "Hi, I'm AC. You all may know me as (whoever he/she really is). Here is an early beta that all of you impatient people can test with your own games. It runs slow as hell, but you wanted proof and here it is. Hope you enjoy it!"

Sony: "Hi, AC. We are Sony. We don't like what you are doing. Here is a Cease and Desist order, stating that if you do not stop development on this emu, we will sue yous @$$ into the ground. We have a legal team on retainer, and money is not a huge issue for us. I suggest you follow our demands, unless you happen to be one of those multi-millionairre homebrew coders that we hear about so often."

Here's the part where you can choose your own adventure, kids. You are AC! Do you:

A. Tell Sony to go screw themselves and call your lawyer. Hopefully the trial won't last too long!

or do you...

B. Cease development on the emu, curl into a ball, and count your lucky stars that you kept your @$$ out of the flame?

Well? What do you choose?

Raise your hand of your old enough to remember BLEEM!

It's not a matter of Sony actually having a case against AC. It's a matter of of SONY getting a court ordered cease and desist to stop any new releases or distribution of a PSX emu for PSP. If this were to happen SONY would keep delaying court ,all the while the cease and desist in effect, while their PSX emu is released onto the public. The reasoning for this would be to demoralize the defendent hoping all of their will to program the EMU cease but killing time. This crap actually happens. If a homebrew PSX emu is released running at a good speed from the get go, no one will mind as much if a cease and desist is issued because it will still be out in the wilds of the internet.

I am just sick of hearing all these children complain about not having a free PSX emu released because they want it now.

Brainpan, you are balls-on accurate with your post. I wish I had read it before starting up this reply. Ah well, I feel that it is still relevant, and it might help some of our members to fully grasp the situation.

So why didn't they do anything with:
-Most other PSX emulators for the PC

I thought it was cuz they charged $$ for the emulator...

1. They didn't feel like it.
2. They didn't see it as a valid threat to their business.

Sony's PSX emu is a completely new way for them to make money off of their old properties. Do you think they would allow a homebrew emu, made for the very system for which they are designing their emu, to put this potential profit at risk? Also, don't forget about the official Sony PSX emu being their ace in the pocket for getting more homebrewers to upgrade to their next major firmware revision.

Thats what i'm trying to show... Bleem and VGS got shutdown because they were commerical emulators.... Those weren't... Sony isn't going to try any BS with this... They have 0 legal ground, as long as AC doesn't include a BIOS or other copyrighted material

Please re-read brainpan's post and my "conversation between Sony and AC" above. These will both answer your questions.

October 16th, 2006, 18:48
I think you missed the points of everything you quoted there hockey.

October 16th, 2006, 18:55
I think you missed the points of everything you quoted there hockey.

How so? They expressed their belief that Sony will not have legal grounds, and I expressed the fact that they do not necessarily need legal grounds to throw a monkey wrench into things. Please explain...

Oh, and whatever happened in the adventures of Vega and Sagat? I think the last thing we saw was that Sagat found Vega's kid. Are there going to be any future "episodes"? :)

October 16th, 2006, 18:56
thing is, sony is losing money, fast.

October 16th, 2006, 18:57
Many thanks for the update Wragg :)

This is starting to sound better and better with every news update. I hope AC realises that most of us can wait and aren`t into baggering him for a quick release.

Also, why is he nicknamed "hobo"?

He is nicknamed "hobo" only on the forums here. to my knowledge, A.C. hasn't accepted the name hobo officially. it was just someone goofing around and calling him a hobo as a joke and then it kind of stuck so now many people call him/her a.c. hobo since he/she is anonymous. i think it was jpdeathblade that first called a.c. hobo, but don't quote me on that cus i dont remember for sure. :-)

October 16th, 2006, 19:14
cant wait for this to be released.

few questions though

is there sound?

and when is sony planning on bringing out there emulator?

October 16th, 2006, 19:51
He is nicknamed "hobo"

Its soooo cool with a mystery coder! Hobo!

October 16th, 2006, 19:59
I hope its in the not too distant future that we get this? ...but I guess patient is a virtue?? lol

I've been purchasing a nice collection of games, that I've lost over time, in preperation for this emu. ...cant wait! :)

October 16th, 2006, 20:03
I look forward to the release of this emu,i forgot to send you a few dvd disks and a usb cable for your new toy Wraggster,i'll get them to you as soon as i can m8

Welcome to dcemu the best emulation site on the planet.

October 16th, 2006, 20:18
what is that ugly "Crazy Hit 2" game?! and why are they copying pokemon?! (ugly looking pikachu fake and fake evee's)

but still more "Coming Soon!" messages?! man i wana paly this sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo00oooOo oooooooooooooooo bad!!!!

come on hobo! :D

October 16th, 2006, 20:23
Lol Hobo stuck =P

The real reason was someone said that they knew who the coder was. And I replyed with the quote in my sig. I then added AC to it and its kinda stuck. I really wish that I had that name =(

I cant wait till this is released. I want it so bad =(

October 16th, 2006, 20:46
I posted this before reading quzar's post about not talking about it anymore. I still feel that the points that I made are valid, but I apologize for posting this after that mandate was (unbeknownst to me) put forth.

COME ON, people! Sony DOES have legal options... they can bring a suit, whether it is right or wrong, and that suit may go to trial. They might lose the trial, but AC is not going to want to even GO to trial at all. End result: development on the emu ends in order for AC to avoid going to trial against Sony, and we are screwed.

Wrong, Sony can do whatever they want to do. Here's how it will go down:

AC: "Hi, I'm AC. You all may know me as (whoever he/she really is). Here is an early beta that all of you impatient people can test with your own games. It runs slow as hell, but you wanted proof and here it is. Hope you enjoy it!"

Sony: "Hi, AC. We are Sony. We don't like what you are doing. Here is a Cease and Desist order, stating that if you do not stop development on this emu, we will sue yous @$$ into the ground. We have a legal team on retainer, and money is not a huge issue for us. I suggest you follow our demands, unless you happen to be one of those multi-millionairre homebrew coders that we hear about so often."

Here's the part where you can choose your own adventure, kids. You are AC! Do you:

A. Tell Sony to go screw themselves and call your lawyer. Hopefully the trial won't last too long!

or do you...

B. Cease development on the emu, curl into a ball, and count your lucky stars that you kept your @$$ out of the flame?

Well? What do you choose?

Brainpan, you are balls-on accurate with your post. I wish I had read it before starting up this reply. Ah well, I feel that it is still relevant, and it might help some of our members to fully grasp the situation.

1. They didn't feel like it.
2. They didn't see it as a valid threat to their business.

Sony's PSX emu is a completely new way for them to make money off of their old properties. Do you think they would allow a homebrew emu, made for the very system for which they are designing their emu, to put this potential profit at risk? Also, don't forget about the official Sony PSX emu being their ace in the pocket for getting more homebrewers to upgrade to their next major firmware revision.

Please re-read brainpan's post and my "conversation between Sony and AC" above. These will both answer your questions.

Sony will not be able to bring it to court, at least here in the US. There is NO LAW against an emulator, except selling copyrighted material (Bleem and VGS)... Those were shutdown because the coders were making cash off of the emulator...

Wonder why PCSX2 isn't shutdown, even though it prolly runs better than PS1P? It's because Refraction, Shadow, and all the other coders aren't charging for the emulator nor are they distributing the BIOS... And last time I checked, the PS2 isn't exactly a dead system....

Fine me any law saying "Emulators are illegal in the United States." and you win... But til then, your arguement is crap

October 16th, 2006, 20:51
Sony will not be able to bring it to court, at least here in the US. There is NO LAW against an emulator, except selling copyrighted material (Bleem and VGS)... Those were shutdown because the coders were making cash off of the emulator...

Wonder why PCSX2 isn't shutdown, even though it prolly runs better than PS1P? It's because Refraction, Shadow, and all the other coders aren't charging for the emulator nor are they distributing the BIOS... And last time I checked, the PS2 isn't exactly a dead system....

Fine me any law saying "Emulators are illegal in the United States." and you win... But til then, your arguement is crap
It is just as legal to sell emulators as it is to give them away. No more of this talk.

October 16th, 2006, 20:55
It all gets to the point that a good PS1 emulator could rip some serious cash off Sony.

Mess with money, you're talking big.

Mess with LOTS of money, Sony is screwed.

Depending on how good this emulator and Sony's are, and how much Sony is counting on getting cash outta the PS1 re-releases, something like that could end the PSP business and even SCE entirely.

Also remember you'd be able to download PS1 games via the PS3 to the PSP... now if the PSP has a good PS1 emu, that feature would be completely useless--including downloading games to the PS3 to play them there since you could just pop the PS1 game disc in the PS3 and play it.

It is just as legal to sell emulators as it is to give them away. No more of this talk.
It just pisses Sony more when you make money out of it :p

October 16th, 2006, 21:07
Just had a thought....

Do you think it would be possible to hack sony's official emulator, so it would work on our lower firmwares?

October 16th, 2006, 21:10
Just had a thought....

Do you think it would be possible to hack sony's official emulator, so it would work on our lower firmwares?
Someone will do it...."Someone" ;)

October 16th, 2006, 21:11
AC hobo should release this emu before sony,s 3.00 firmware is released.

October 16th, 2006, 21:38
Just had a thought....

Do you think it would be possible to hack sony's official emulator, so it would work on our lower firmwares?

Devhook :)

October 16th, 2006, 21:53
Someone will do it...."Someone" ;)

$n!pR... I like the sounds of this :) Something tells me that "Someone" has a trick up their sleeve ;)

Say no more :D

October 16th, 2006, 21:58
Sony will not be able to bring it to court, at least here in the US. There is NO LAW against an emulator, except selling copyrighted material (Bleem and VGS)... Those were shutdown because the coders were making cash off of the emulator...


Fine me any law saying "Emulators are illegal in the United States." and you win... But til then, your arguement is crap

Please, show me where I said that there is a law that states that emulators are illegal. I never said that, and for you to make that statement shows me that you didn't even read my post. The whole point of my long-@$$ post was that it doesn't matter if it is legal or not to make this emulator, nor does it matter if Sony has legal grounds to take AC to court over it.

Sony CAN cause AC quite a bit of trouble, whether they have the law behind them or not. Like I said, they don't have to win a court case; they can accomplish just as much damage and fear by simply threatening one through a CAD order. (please refer to the "Choose Your Own Adventure" section of my post... or did you even read my post at all?) Do you think AC is a legal expert, or has access to a lawyer? Do you really think that homebrew coder is going to have the resources with which he or she can stand up to Sony and not end up in the poor house?

Please note: I am not a legal expert, nor do I claim to be. However, it would be naiive to think that Sony will not do everything they can, including legal threats, etc, to keep something that threatens their bottom line under wraps.

Wonder why PCSX2 isn't shutdown, even though it prolly runs better than PS1P? It's because Refraction, Shadow, and all the other coders aren't charging for the emulator nor are they distributing the BIOS... And last time I checked, the PS2 isn't exactly a dead system....

My thought on why PCSX2 has not been shutdown is because Sony probably does not see it as a major threat. Think about it... you need a large investment in the form of a high-end PC to emulate PS2 games. To emulate PS1 games, and remove a major financial opportunity from Sony, all you need to do is buy a $200 PSP. Therefore, PS1P's threat is more imminent, and therefore more likely to be a thorn in Sony's side.

October 16th, 2006, 22:02
That's it. The thread has been derailed completely from what it's purpose should be. All that is getting discussed is the legality/repurcussions/etc. Since this is a private emulator, and nobody can really CONTRIBUTE to any sort of discussion about it.

Normally warnings would just be issued to those who derailed it, but that seems to be everyone.