View Full Version : Tizen, webOS, & the Future of Mobile Open Source

December 12th, 2011, 22:09
When HP announced it would release webOS as open source (http://slashdot.org/story/11/12/09/1857254/hp-making-webos-open-source), it added a competitor to a narrow niche: there's already Tizen, the descendant of MeeGo, which is, like webOS, an open source Linux-based operating system for smartphones. Can they co-exist, or will one come out on top? One built-in advantage for webOS is that already has hardware (http://www.itworld.com/mobile-wireless/232415/what-will-open-webos-mean-tizen), in the form of all those $99 TouchPad's being snapped up on eBay
