View Full Version : World Of Warcraft...

October 17th, 2006, 03:45
Hey all, I've decided to take a break from home console gaming for a while and possibly try one of these MMORPG's. And was wondering if anyone could tell me a good MMORPG's to try out. So far I’ve heard that World Of Warcraft is the best. Funny i know one of the coders who work for it. Anyways i was wondering if there are any out there that are as good? I've also heard good things from Star Wars Galaxy’s. Could someone tell me the Pros and Cons of their preferred MMORPG (For anyone who doesn't know what MMORPG stands for its-Massively Multiplayer Online RPG or know as MMORPG) but I assume that everyone here will know what I’m talking about.

October 17th, 2006, 06:34
I would go with WoW, be careful though, it is like crack, the only real downside is your social life will be gone, and there is a monthly fee. Never played SWG, sorry.

October 17th, 2006, 08:01
I would go with WoW, be careful though, it is like crack, the only real downside is your social life will be gone, and there is a monthly fee. Never played SWG, sorry.

LMAO. Good thing i don't have an addicting personality. I think i'm going to go with WoW for now. But i'll take your warning and make sure i don't get addicted to it.

October 17th, 2006, 08:03
WoW is adictive the better you get at it the more you want to playe it so hopefully something good happens to you along the way because if not you will be hooked like people get hooked on maryjane.

October 17th, 2006, 08:08
WoW is addictive the better you get at it the more you want to played it so hopefully something good happens to you along the way because if not you will be hooked like people get hooked on maryjane.

LMAO!!! Dude I bet you people really have that problem. And like have to go to therapy to get off of it. Personally I like to play games and get good at them. But I can put down a game as easily as I picked it up.

P.S. Kik ass avatar and sig, I think I’m going to change my old avatar and update my sig.

October 17th, 2006, 09:56
I agree i go to Gamers anonimus for therapy. I am lucky i even got married. I kept on dumping my girlfriends for the games. LOL
If you want ill give it a go at a sig for you just pm me what you like. Im not the best but i will give it my best.

October 17th, 2006, 11:16
Gamers Anonymous! LMAO Thanx for the offer but i don't want you to spend time making a sig for me. I can make one. Plus your usually really busy. Hey hows the secret project coming? Am i the only one that knows? I havn't told anyone have you?

The Hombrew Hunter
October 17th, 2006, 12:28
Guild Wars Factions is great, too.

I play as an Assassin Elementalist, and I'm pretty good.

October 17th, 2006, 12:36
WoW is not addictive...I got bored with it in like 3 weeks, the Horde vs Alliance just isnt my thing, Silkroad is a pretty good free one though http://www.silkroadonline.net/

October 17th, 2006, 13:15
I started playing WoW about 9 months ago back when I unjured myself at work and was on Worker's Comp and I haven't stopped since. As you can see in my sig I have a Lvl60 Shaman (highest lvl until expansion) and about 4 more characters. Even now my weekends still mainly consist of WoW ;) But all my friends play and pressured me into playing so it's Ok...I guess :confused:

October 17th, 2006, 13:21
Did u guys dee the south park episode makeing fun of world of warcraft


Cap'n 1time
October 17th, 2006, 14:50
I refuse to give WoW a chance and I will continue picking on the kids that talk about playing it all day.. Its probably a good game, but i dont need to get sucked into somthing else.