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View Full Version : Will there ever be a nintendo DS emulator?

October 17th, 2006, 05:22
When I first started using homebrew I was amazed that you could play NES games on your psp. I was even more amazed when I heard about the gameboy advance emulator. Now the great coders are doing the unbelieveable by creating a Nintendo 64 emulator and a PS1 emulator, the Nintendo 64 emulator which will let you play Legend of Zelda ocarina of Time any time you want, the PS1 emulator will let you play great games like silent hill, dino crisis, mortal kombat, and all those games you love on the go, but I ask you will there ever be a Nintendo DS emulator?

October 17th, 2006, 05:49
well theoretically it is posible but I doubt it will happen and if it was to happen it would most likley be very slow and hard to use. also you were amazed a nes but not the exxelent job done on snes and sega genisis wow thats strange but what ever.

October 17th, 2006, 06:40
I doubt that we will ever a see a Nintendo DS emulator on the PSP. And not only because it would probably very slow.
What again does Nintendo DS stand for? Ah yes, Nintendo Dual Screen ;) However last time I looked at my PSP it had only one screen and that wasn't even a touch screen.

October 17th, 2006, 13:38
Actualy if there great dev on the emu it may get along pretty well and hàrléyg² is developping a touch pad for the psp go check his site http://0x89.org/index2.php

October 17th, 2006, 16:53
If it was possible I alway's pictured a way to toggle between both screens (with one screen) and when you pulled up the touch screen you would simply use the analog stick like a mouse and scroll it over the "touch" screen and simply press a button to "touch" the cursor to the screen. Then it would register your movements on the touch screen

October 17th, 2006, 20:01
If it was possible I alway's pictured a way to toggle between both screens (with one screen) and when you pulled up the touch screen you would simply use the analog stick like a mouse and scroll it over the "touch" screen and simply press a button to "touch" the cursor to the screen. Then it would register your movements on the touch screen

Well, theoretical many things are possible. but I doubt that toggling between the two screens on one would be a satisfying solution for most people as many games would be unplayable this way (for many games you need both screens the same time) or at least be less fun because you would have to toggle many times what I am sure would be tiring very fast.
Using the analog stick to scroll over the touch screen is also a solution but I think not a very good one because when you move over the screen and "touch" it indirectly with an analog stick you will never be as fast and precise as when you would touch one directly with your own hands. Games like Wario Ware would simply become unplayable or at least would be far less fun.

October 17th, 2006, 20:28
*** NO. ***

We're tired of answering that same damn question thousands of times.

The NDS is like a GBA with extra (better) chips, so if GBA barely runs DS would never be usable. Although it might be fun to see a DS game running at 1FPS... for some seconds.

October 17th, 2006, 21:30
*** NO. ***

We're tired of answering that same damn question thousands of times.

The NDS is like a GBA with extra (better) chips, so if GBA barely runs DS would never be usable. Although it might be fun to see a DS game running at 1FPS... for some seconds.

GBA barely runs? Have you tried gpSP? Most games that run, do run at full speed with one frame skip on, and often times with no frame skip. All Exophase needs to do is probably a few more tweaks for speed, add some compatibility, and GBA will be almost as good as Sega and SNES emulation.

October 17th, 2006, 23:56
When I first started using homebrew I was amazed that you could play NES games on your psp. I was even more amazed when I heard about the gameboy advance emulator. Now the great coders are doing the unbelieveable by creating a Nintendo 64 emulator and a PS1 emulator, the Nintendo 64 emulator which will let you play Legend of Zelda ocarina of Time any time you want, the PS1 emulator will let you play great games like silent hill, dino crisis, mortal kombat, and all those games you love on the go, but I ask you will there ever be a Nintendo DS emulator?

Wow.....your retarded...unless some one is stupid enough to make a add on and make it have its on hard drive plus a ram....wow thats money and time..

October 18th, 2006, 00:20
GBA barely runs? Have you tried gpSP? Most games that run, do run at full speed with one frame skip on, and often times with no frame skip. All Exophase needs to do is probably a few more tweaks for speed, add some compatibility, and GBA will be almost as good as Sega and SNES emulation.

You can't just say it like that. First off, I'm sure Tinnus has more coding experience than you. Also, when he says that it barely runs, he means it. gpSP is the first successful GBA emu after many attempts and its compatibility is not very high. Sure it plays some games and it plays them well but it is not perfect. And as for your last statement, "All Exophase needs to do is probably a few more tweaks for speed, add some compatibility, and GBA will be almost as good as Sega and SNES emulation." That is much easier said than done. That's not ALL he needs to do. That's a lot of work. Exophase is a good coder and he has obviously worked hard to get gpSP going but he still has a lot of hard work ahead until gpSP runs as well as Sega or SNES emulation.

October 18th, 2006, 00:41
Just buy a DS,I did and most certainly do not regret it!