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View Full Version : Sony, Universal and Fox Caught Pirating Through BitTorrent

December 14th, 2011, 23:03
New submitter Bad_Feeling sends in a followup to the story we discussed on Monday about a new site that scanned a few popular torrent trackers and linked torrents to IP addresses (http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/12/12/1832229/site-offers-history-of-torrent-downloads-by-ip). The folks at TorrentFreak decided to check IP addresses belonging to major companies in the entertainment industry (http://torrentfreak.com/busted-bittorrent-pirates-at-sony-universal-and-fox-111213/) and published lists of pirated files from several, including Fox, Sony, and NBC Universal. Of course, they used the information to make a slightly different point than the industry usually does:"By highlighting the above our intention is not to get anyone into trouble, and for that reason we masked out the end of the IP addresses to avoid a witch hunt. An IP address is not a person, IP addresses can be shared among many people, and anyone can be behind a keyboard at any given time."
