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View Full Version : Family Guy Hits Retail: Sweet!

October 17th, 2006, 21:34
Via IGN (http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/739/739718p1.html)

Today 2K, a publishing label of Take-Two, announced that Family Guy, the first videogame based on the TV show, is now available for the Xbox, the PlayStation 2, and the PSP. Featuring the entire cast and creative team from the show, the Family Guy game puts you in control of the series' crass humor.

Developed by High Voltage Software, Family Guy involves a combination of arcade action, platforming, and puzzle-solving as gamers play through three stories that unfold just as an episode of the TV show would. As the technically mentally handicapped Peter Griffin, players fight to stop Mr. Belvedere from taking over the world. As Stewie, Peter's diabolical young son, players match their wits against his arch-nemesis and half-brother Bertram. And as Brian, the family dog, players slip on a collar and drink a martini as they attempt a daring prison break.

As the lead voice talent of the Family Guy series and videogame, Seth MacFarlane sets the comedic tone in the game's world by providing the voices of the game's main playable characters, Peter, Stewie, and Brian. Also making voice appearances are longtime Family Guy staples such as Alex Borstein voicing Lois Griffin, Mila Kunis doing Meg Griffin, Seth Green as Chris Griffin, and Adam West as the Mayor of Quahog.

October 17th, 2006, 23:23
i love family guy. i hope its worth getting

October 17th, 2006, 23:40
I love family guy, but I hate video games that are based off of movies and tc shows.

October 18th, 2006, 00:46
Hey now, simpson skateboarding wasnt that bad ? Or maybe simpsons wrestling ?

October 18th, 2006, 02:20
does anyone has tried out this game because i wanna know wich firmware it requires..

October 18th, 2006, 02:31
does anyone has tried out this game because i wanna know wich firmware it requires..

why are you interested in what fimware it requires?

in attempt to ruin your day I will say 2.80, which hopefully im right!

October 18th, 2006, 03:05
usually TV based cartoon games are bad.

October 18th, 2006, 03:20
My last post was bad wording... I didnt mean I'd be the one to distribute the game. Stop emailing me for a copy.

Basil Zero
October 18th, 2006, 04:44
the show's a success

dont think the game will be though..

October 18th, 2006, 13:15
I want this game to be good, but I'm a bit concerned that there are no reviews available... almost like they knew the game had some serious flaws so they didn't provide advance copies knowing bad reviews would kill sales.

I did pick up a copy, but if it ends up being a stinker, I might trade it in for WTF.

October 18th, 2006, 17:26
Screw you asshat!!! I say that with the utmost love for you...NOT! YOu wanna be a raging stiffy go do it somewhere else. Just because he asked a firmware question doesnt mean he plans on using an ISO via Devhook. Ever think he didnt want to upgrade or something? I on the other hand will be as shady as possible and possibly pirate it...why you ask? BECAUSE I CAN! You know what tho...? I actualy pay for UMDs I like. SO take your "I never do anything wrong" attitude back to the other side of the tracks and bury your long face into a fat bowl of raman noodles.

Oh and by the way...I hear from many sources that this game is actualy great.

lol chiefy ... I just wanted to know wich firmware it whas requiring because if it's more than 2.71 i forget about BUYING the umd and I wait for something to append..

October 18th, 2006, 17:31
Hmmm.. It'll either be really good or really bad :rolleyes: Theres rarely a middle ground in this type of game :o Family Guy does rock so maybe theres hope! :)

Mr. Shizzy
October 19th, 2006, 16:45
I tried it. My friend bought it for her son, and I think that its awesome ! (I only got to play for about 10 mins, but it was sweet while it lasted.) I might have to get off my butt on my day off now, to go to Best Buy to buy it. Because now I want to play it some more!!! :D