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View Full Version : Wii U making its second appearance at CES 2012

December 19th, 2011, 21:27
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2011/06/wiiuheaderimg530px12512512.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/12/19/wii-u-making-its-second-appearance-at-ces-2012/)
Nintendo's Wii U hasn't exactly been hanging out around paparazzi, getting its picture snapped and accidentally showing too much leg. Rather, it's been totally absent from the spotlight since its initial unveiling at E3 2011 (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/wii-u,e3-2011) back in June, but that's about to end. "Nintendo of America, working with the 2012 International CES management, will offer demos of the upcoming Wii U console to members of the media who did not see the system at the 2011 E3 Expo," Nintendo told Joystiq in a statement this morning.

But even though the unreleased console is making its second public debut next month, it looks like what's being shown off isn't different from what we peeped at E3 2011 (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/wii-u,e3-2011). "Nintendo will not have a booth at CES, nor does it plan to include any games, experiences or information beyond what was available at the 2011 E3 Expo," the statement continues. So, a handful of tech demos and Zelda HD, then. Unsurprisingly, Nintendo also noted that the console remains on track from a launch sometime "between the start of the 2012 E3 Expo in June, and the end of 2012." We're gonna go ahead and call that "the second half of 2012," if you don't mind.
