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View Full Version : Metal Slug 3D

October 1st, 2004, 13:02
Idont know if this has been posted already,but ive just seen screenshots of MS 3D !!

October 1st, 2004, 13:32
Don't get me wrong, it will probably be fun. But let's just say I'm not sold on it. It just won't play the same.

October 1st, 2004, 14:30
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do all companies think that taking something 2D and making it 3D will make it better?!

October 1st, 2004, 14:52
yeah, metal slug should allways be 2D . Same thing happened with many games (flashback had a 3d version, marios, sonics,.. ) I like Sonic Adventures but it's not the same for me. Megadrive Sonics kicked asses :P .
Anyway, if we had a chance to buy this for dreamcast, it would have been sold by tons

October 1st, 2004, 15:34
NONONONONONO WTF wats the point, the main selling point of mslug was the 2D graphics! its stupid just fskin stupid. I mean where is SNK's area of brilliance? 2D!

It doesnt even look that good. It'll be bolocks, and then SNK will think there is no point in metal slug any more and that'll be the end of the metal slug series.

Wat about the slug with 3D bgs tho, i think i might like that, but still the same 2D scrollin madness that made it rock to begin with!