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View Full Version : PS3 Won't Enhance PS1 or PS2 Games

October 20th, 2006, 22:23
The PS2 does a pretty good job of making PS1 games more palatable. Will the PS3 have the same capabilities? Not really.

According to Harrison, unlike how the PS2 would enhance PS1 games with texture smoothing and what not, the PS3 will offer no such visual enhancements (including resolution enhancements) for the previous generation titles. "They are as exactly as they were," said Harrison, who claims Sony preferred to rather deliver them in their original state.
Fair enough: for retro games, it's really art direction that makes a game age gracefully. Harrison also clarified that eventually they want all their old PS1 games available for download, except for games that were made with licensed talent or tracks where those licenses have expired.

October 20th, 2006, 23:22
The PS2's "enchancement" was laughable. Bleemcast did a better job. If they wanted to do good, they would make enchancements a switch instead of not offering them at all. It's simply lazy on their part.

also, what's the source of this?

October 20th, 2006, 23:35
Oh bad news :(

October 21st, 2006, 03:48
sorry i just have to say "1M@0"

ps1 games have the worst graphics EVER! and no touchup mean they can be bagged to their fullest glory XD!

October 21st, 2006, 04:00
Your joking right? Have you ever played epsxe with pete's ogl plugins on the highest settings? Or I take it your twelve and have only seen current gen graphics.

October 21st, 2006, 10:22
This is absolutely ridiculous. The decisions Sony have made haven't not bothered me so far, but this one actually has.
Why can't they just nab a lincense for Kreed's 2xSai filter? We could have the option to use it or not.

October 21st, 2006, 20:30
so what if they don't enhance the graphics? the games are supposed to be fun because of the gameplay, plus if you want good graphics, go spend 700 dollars on a ps3.

October 21st, 2006, 22:25
so what if they don't enhance the graphics? the games are supposed to be fun because of the gameplay, plus if you want good graphics, go spend 700 dollars on a ps3.

Um.... the point is that you ARE spending the cash on a PS3. You should be getting nice spiffy features for PS and PS2 playback.

October 22nd, 2006, 02:18
there was no significant difference in graphical quality when i played ps1 games on my ps1 or ps2 so this doesnt bother me at all

October 22nd, 2006, 02:47
I couldn't really tell a difference in quality when playing PS1 games on the PS2. LOL

October 22nd, 2006, 03:02
Your joking right? Have you ever played epsxe with pete's ogl plugins on the highest settings? Or I take it your twelve and have only seen current gen graphics.

I make all my comparisons to Nintendo 64, the greatest system known to man. and i own a ps1 (only cuz i got given it for free) and it sucks. especially final fantasy.

October 22nd, 2006, 11:16
I make all my comparisons to Nintendo 64, the greatest system known to man. and i own a ps1 (only cuz i got given it for free) and it sucks. especially final fantasy.

You see, we're in a Sony Playstation forum, no need to make you're Nintendo loving known here. Besides there was no real difference in the graphics between the consoles.

Also, for anyone who is wondering what the 2xSai Filter is, then here -


It really is such a simple graphical filter and I think it would look great if Sony implemented it in PSOne game playback.

October 22nd, 2006, 11:46
You see, we're in a Sony Playstation forum, no need to make you're Nintendo loving known here. Besides there was no real difference in the graphics between the consoles.

Actually, last time I checked this was a "Homebrew and Emulation" forum. If you really think there is no difference between the graphics of an N64 and PS, you have either never played an N64 or have major vision problems. There is a MASSIVE difference between their graphical capabilities.

October 22nd, 2006, 13:24
I make all my comparisons to Nintendo 64, the greatest system known to man. and i own a ps1 (only cuz i got given it for free) and it sucks. especially final fantasy.
Argh! The SNES was MUUUCH better!

October 22nd, 2006, 16:27
Actually, last time I checked this was a "Homebrew and Emulation" forum. If you really think there is no difference between the graphics of an N64 and PS, you have either never played an N64 or have major vision problems. There is a MASSIVE difference between their graphical capabilities.

This SUBFORUM is for the Playstation.

And I was basing that off a quick Google Image search for screenshots from both systems.

October 22nd, 2006, 19:49
This SUBFORUM is for the Playstation.

And I was basing that off a quick Google Image search for screenshots from both systems.

This subforum is for the PS3, not the PS. Also, who said you have to be a fanatic of the system in order to post here?

October 22nd, 2006, 23:20
Um.... the point is that you ARE spending the cash on a PS3. You should be getting nice spiffy features for PS and PS2 playback.

you honestly want the system to cost more so you can have enhanced visuals for ps/ps2 games? because that's what would happen, it would up the cost of the system, and i think most people think it's already overpriced

October 23rd, 2006, 00:10
you honestly want the system to cost more so you can have enhanced visuals for ps/ps2 games? because that's what would happen, it would up the cost of the system, and i think most people think it's already overpriced

No, I'm saying for the price they're charging, it should do that, as well as cure cancer and cook my meals.

October 23rd, 2006, 02:02
meh, thats why i got epsxe

October 23rd, 2006, 02:22
Pathetic!!! The PS2 can do hi-def (with the help of the bootdisc thing). It would'nt cost sony much to add texture filtering and all that.

To those who are saying that PS1 games look no better on PS2, there's an option in the firmware to smooth textures, and it does make a big difference (try driver 2 with this option on and off and you'll see what I mean).

They should give us the option, otherwise someones just gonna hack it for us anyway and i'm sure sony could do without the embarassment.

The whole PS1 VS N64 argument brings me back to my highschool days lol, I was on the N64 side, with the expansion pak the N64 was miles ahead of the competition (shame about the oblong textures tho).
No game has ever impressed me like Goldeneye did.
My PSP's the first Playstation I've ever owned.

EDIT: Nothing can compare to the Atari ST tho, Best system of all time!

October 23rd, 2006, 02:33
I don't really understand why SONY would not just add some filtering to PS1/PS2 games. Maybe it's an issue with keeping compatibility high. Does anyone know if the PS3 has PS1/PS2 hardware onboard or will it use emulation to play old games? Also, I would not be surprised if SONY added it later in some sort of firmware update.

ALSO, could someone clarify how the PS3 might be able to enhance PS2 games other than displaying at a high resolution?

October 23rd, 2006, 02:44
Resoultion and texture filtering is about all they could do without messing with the code of the old games.

October 23rd, 2006, 04:00
No, I'm saying for the price they're charging, it should do that, as well as cure cancer and cook my meals.

True, it should :D

October 23rd, 2006, 04:07
No, I'm saying for the price they're charging, it should do that, as well as cure cancer and cook my meals.

true that.. true that.. sadly sony is still bent on driving themselves into oblivion =/

October 23rd, 2006, 04:09
oh.. and ripping off the people with ridiculous prices for next gen systems which arent backwards compatible goddamn it!! i was REALLY looking forward to at least a slight change in graphics.. especially FFVII! *sigh*

what i meant to say was graphics improvements for older games. not backwards compatible :D

October 23rd, 2006, 04:28
FFVII would look terrible with hi-def 3d and 320x240 backgrounds. How about the Wii, are n64 games 640x480 on the Wii? do the nes games have Filtering?

October 23rd, 2006, 15:18
Filtered 2D pixels look ugly. Well depending on the filter type I guess, but with a regular tv you won't need any filtering for 2D nes games.

October 24th, 2006, 05:32
Will loading or framerate be better at least?

October 24th, 2006, 06:45
They probably will, I can't think of a reason why not with all that raw power of oblivion!:eek: