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View Full Version : SonicDS 0.1 Alpha

October 21st, 2006, 04:06
This is my first homebrew game! I used PALib for this game too.
What it has that people love: Sound, No lag, Sonic, Level Builder.


What it has that people hate: Route10 is messed up, game has location glitches, don't jump like a crazy idiot. No AI, my code is not finished. 360 Engine, What the freak? Dude, I don't got time like that!

Note: This is a alpha, its very buggy, point any glitches you find, and if you want to help me, post some coding tips.

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October 21st, 2006, 04:15
don't jump like a crazy idiot lol aww i like doing that especially in sonic. is there a thing in the game that can turn sonics hair green like your avatar kinda like how u turn gold in part3 for genesis?

October 21st, 2006, 04:19
Good job. Looks pretty fun.

October 21st, 2006, 04:22
FYI: The Top Screen does nothing, all it has is a Image sayign Sonic DS Demo, the games on touch screen...If I had a PSP, I'd build a PSP version.

October 21st, 2006, 04:50
Looks good...

October 21st, 2006, 05:07
Lol, Mario! Trying to steal Sonics Homebrew game!

October 21st, 2006, 07:24
Man! You beat me to it! I recently had surgeries, and im being put on homebound (tutoring) instead of going to school. So i was going to make a sonic game and an awsome app iv been planning for a while... Im still gonna make the sonic game. Dont think think im copying off you though lol.

Looks great! I look forward to updates.

October 21st, 2006, 07:37
I'm looking forward to some custom made levels, epopel made with this.

October 21st, 2006, 08:59
Man.... you should have the image at the bottom, or atleast have an option to switch! some people prefer to play the game on top!


October 21st, 2006, 13:07
lol buggy is right! (also love to jump like crazy)
Just played it btw.

do u think u'll add other playable characters in a later release?(I {heart} Tails)

October 21st, 2006, 13:32
I can see some promise in this! I have one piece of advice though - if you base the height of his jump on a sine wave, then it makes it really smooth and natural...

Good work so far, but we need some enemies! I want to set the little animals free!

October 21st, 2006, 14:06
hey mat dizzy! We will have a Dizzy homebrew game in nintendo ds?

October 21st, 2006, 17:33
Man.... you should have an option to switch! some people prefer to play the game on top!

I tried to add that command, it screwed up everything, see, the coding is done on touch screen, and some of the coding wouldn't work on the top.

do u think u'll add other playable characters in a later release?(I {heart} Tails)

I can easily add that in :D, with a little coding. In the next version, to swith charaters:
Knuckles: X
Tails: Y
L: Amy
R: Cream
Start: Shadow
Select: Super Sonic :P

The Hombrew Hunter
October 21st, 2006, 18:04
Mm, 2d shadow an SS.

Funs hit.

October 21st, 2006, 18:11
Ok, I can't add the button coding, they won't work, so instead, if you make a level, tell em wbat charater you want, I can import them

October 21st, 2006, 18:15
Nice work bonic keep it up. loving it.

October 21st, 2006, 18:17
I'm still waiting for someone to build a level out of this :P

October 21st, 2006, 19:05
Only noobs use ripped graphics >.<

October 21st, 2006, 20:00
.........No, noobs are people who DON'T use ripped graphics, sprite games are the pwn!

October 21st, 2006, 21:04
it looks great, nice job man ;)

October 21st, 2006, 21:49
Thank you to everyone who liked this game....its in the hombrew compitition for Max media lol

October 22nd, 2006, 18:51
lol. I just tried this and this shit really suck :confused:


-Ripped Graphics
-BUGY ( how anyone can play this game anyway?

Never release game like this. Release your game when is playable and lil better lol.


October 22nd, 2006, 21:04
Kraton, if this is shit, then why do peopl LIKE the game? I'm not saying your wrong, its your opinion, but insulting what I did, bite me. FYI, the game has Music idiot, I didsabled it on other levels because it made the game huge. I said it was very buggy, jesus, instead of saying "Its buggy, fix this shit." Tell me exactly what the bug WAS! Ripped Graphics, you dumbass, If I used my own custom Drawings, the DS couldn't handle it, I use ALOT of detail, and Sprite games are great games, what the hell do you thing Sonic Rush is? It has GRAPHICS! You Newbie, go make a game, they are HARD TO FREAKING MAKE! The game is playable too, as I said before, DONT JUMP LIKE A IDIOT! Freewebs is free, I am NOT wasting money on making a website. So after you make a NDS Game, and make your own good website, then you can call this shit(Unless your game is shittier)

So Kids, Don't insult people about things you don't like, you need to think about how hard it is, trust me.

October 22nd, 2006, 22:01
I just know how to do a game in rpg maker...but I NEED TO KNOW! How Can I make a NINTENDO DS game???Please!!!

Ps: I donīt know nothing about programing...(sight)

October 22nd, 2006, 22:54
Seriously, Kraton, either give constructive criticism or shut the f'ck up. Bionic admitted to being an amature, he admitted the game is in very early developement, and the dude is just excited for what he has done thus far.

You didn't buy this game and unless it f'cked up your DS you have no right to behave like a spoiled b'tch.

October 23rd, 2006, 14:46
Kraton, if this is shit, then why do peopl LIKE the game? I'm not saying your wrong, its your opinion, but insulting what I did, bite me. FYI, the game has Music idiot, I didsabled it on other levels because it made the game huge. I said it was very buggy, jesus, instead of saying "Its buggy, fix this shit." Tell me exactly what the bug WAS! Ripped Graphics, you dumbass, If I used my own custom Drawings, the DS couldn't handle it, I use ALOT of detail, and Sprite games are great games, what the hell do you thing Sonic Rush is? It has GRAPHICS! You Newbie, go make a game, they are HARD TO FREAKING MAKE! The game is playable too, as I said before, DONT JUMP LIKE A IDIOT! Freewebs is free, I am NOT wasting money on making a website. So after you make a NDS Game, and make your own good website, then you can call this shit(Unless your game is shittier)

So Kids, Don't insult people about things you don't like, you need to think about how hard it is, trust me.

eh. I really dont know how anyone could like this game but i think others would give CRITIC because now you really think that your game is good. Wake up.

AND of course you can make SPRITES SELF. Nothing gonna stop u. using ripped graphics is not illegal and when u use them = NOOB.

"make your own good website, then you can call this shit(Unless your game is shittier)"

Okay, Here's my website http://loopsoft.urli.net .(in finnish) and I made it using html & php. If you wanna see one of my games go to website or download Mislock(Superhero game, in finnish) Here (http://www.skeezu.net/~kraton/mislock.v.1.4.rar). I made graphics,code and everything self.

I'm not making games using c++ so I can't make games to DS but I'm learning c++ now.

and I know over 5 free webhost + php & mysQL.


-Collisions won't work correctly
-Jumping won't work correctly ( y'know. but what is the point playing this game if you can't jump? )

October 23rd, 2006, 22:39
You dipshit, you can jump. Using Ripped sprites does not make you a noob, infact, spelling noob like n00b, is noobish. You website sucks, you need better design.....Your game also sucks. You make games, but they suck, and DS C++ coding is much harder than using....whatever you used! And learn how to spell credit! ITS NOT CRITIC!

P.S. This game is good, if it wasn't, then why do people take my side?

October 24th, 2006, 05:52
You dipshit, you can jump. Using Ripped sprites does not make you a noob, infact, spelling noob like n00b, is noobish. You website sucks, you need better design.....Your game also sucks. You make games, but they suck, and DS C++ coding is much harder than using....whatever you used! And learn how to spell credit! ITS NOT CRITIC!

P.S. This game is good, if it wasn't, then why do people take my side?

Yeah but you must notice that my native language is not english. Try speak your second language better than I speak english.

You are using freewebs layout lol.

"You make better games, but they suck"

wtf? :D

and yes, it's criticism. I'm sry for my bad spelling but I think that you can still understand me >.<

when i said: "I'm not using c++" i meant: "I'm not using c++ language >:I"

October 24th, 2006, 06:10
i am on no ones side.
i just want you guys to stop arguing about the game.
if you dont have anything good to say about the game then please keep your comments to yourself.
@Bonic, this is the internet. there is no doubt that someone will have some kind of comments like those.

@Kraton, you didnt have to be hella rude and call his game shit. you could have at least said it just needs a little improving and it will be good.

The Hombrew Hunter
October 24th, 2006, 12:16
Kcaj, you're on someone's side...

Ah, I gave Kraton a warning for trollance.

October 25th, 2006, 05:41

September 30th, 2007, 11:58
hey i have an R4DS and i can play your homebrew game on my Nintendo DS and your game actualy runs perfect on it, well done making the game im not very good with moding or hombrewing or... whatever you call it lol cya :thumbup:

September 30th, 2007, 13:39
hey i have an R4DS and i can play your homebrew game on my Nintendo DS and your game actualy runs perfect on it, well done making the game im not very good with moding or hombrewing or... whatever you call it lol cya :thumbup:

There hasn't been posted in this topic for a year. Stop resurrecting dead topics.

September 30th, 2007, 15:47
There hasn't been posted in this topic for a year. Stop resurrecting dead topics.

Bu it's still good to tell you how good your game is and see people still playing it.