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View Full Version : Windows Phone Homebrew Hits a Snag

January 2nd, 2012, 20:23
TheNextWeb is reporting that the first official jailbreak for Windows Phone 7, ChevronWP7, has 'sold out' of tokens to enable homebrew application support (http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2012/01/02/microsoft-set-to-quietly-quash-homebrew-on-windows-phone/). Only 10,000 tokens to jailbreak Windows Phones were ever granted. According to an announcement through ChevronWP7's Twitter feed, they're discussing whether they will ask Microsoft to make more available (https://twitter.com/#!/ChevronWP7/status/153411217019510787). With Lumia falling flat in Europe (http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2011/12/31/nokia-still-a-7-stock-even-though-lumia-falls-flat-in-europe/) Microsoft needs all the enthusiastic modding fans they can get.
