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View Full Version : NJ updates NeoGeo emulator 'MVSPSP' again? (22/10/06)

October 22nd, 2006, 17:01
There seems to have been an update on NJ (http://neocdz.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psp/index.html) 's site that been posted today for his Neo Geo Emulator 'MVSPSP 1.0 / Kernel Mode version (2006/10/22)'.

His website has also been tweaked making it much easier for people to see what they are now downloading.

If someone could please translate what or if there has been any significant changes to MVSPSP that would be great. :)

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October 22nd, 2006, 18:05
cool alwayz nice to see an update.

October 22nd, 2006, 18:19
Odd seems like nothing has changed emulation wise. When I tried it I tried it back when he first released it and it's almost at the same state it was then =/ Hopefully he'll improve this emu as there's many great games for this system/driver set o btw if you guys wanna try a good sidescroller that works perfect try spinmaster as it works perfect with every option checked (vysnc,raster, and 44khz).

October 22nd, 2006, 18:38
Well its good to see there is still activity on NJ's site. Whether it is new updates to EMU's or a tweaking of the site layout. It shows NJ is still in the game and that is always good news.

October 22nd, 2006, 19:39
Good to see NJ still at work. Gonna try this now.. thanks for the find Baboon :D

October 22nd, 2006, 21:56
it just seems like a minor update, damn i cant find the you know what so that i can i actually play it, anybody know where i can find it

October 22nd, 2006, 21:58
youve got to love nj for what hes given us. o)

Do we know what the improvements are on this one?

October 22nd, 2006, 22:42
Btw, is kernal mode only for firmware 2.0 and higher?

October 23rd, 2006, 09:19
I honestly don't know if NJ changed anything in this version. There aren't any indications of what he changed on his web page (which, by the way, now says that it is "No longer being updated" at the top). It is worth mentioning that he has updated the source distribution as well though.

Anyway, I compared the differences between the readme included with this file (Which was last saved on October 17, while the included eboot was last updated on October 22) and the readme included with the source distribution from October 15, and here's what I found:

line 67:

Creating Cache Files

If an "Insufficient Memory" message is displayed when loading a ROM then you will need to create a cache of it's graphic data.
Please create it with the included romcnv.exe. For instructions on how to use it, please refer to romcnv's readme.txt.
Also, unlike CPS2PSP, when using cache files, one needs to be created for each game.

line 89 (partial match with previous line 79):

The menu for changing the game settings, etc... is displayed by pressing "START + SELECT" while the game is running.(In the old version, this was reported as "The menu for changing the game settings, etc... is displayed by pressing "L Trigger" while the game is running.")

line 92 (section added to controls explanation):

In-game Button Controls
It is possible to change the allocation of the buttons. I've written the defaults below. Button placement is the same the placement on the NEOGEO pad.

Up - Up or Analog Up
Down - Down or Analog Down
Left - Left or Analog Left
Right - Right or Analog Right
Start - Start
Coin - Select
Button A - Cross
Button B - Circle
Button C - Square
Button D - Triangle
Special Controls

START + SELECT: Open menu
L + R + SELECT: Service Switch (It's also possible to allocate to a specific button)

line 176 (added to incompatible games section):

kof97pls The King of Fighters '97 Plus (bootleg)
zintrckb Zintrick (hack / bootleg)

Additionally, he removed the entries for all other previous versions from the "What's changed" section, along with the FAQ section.

You might also be interested to know, that this version was rebuilt using the source from somewhere around the 0.1.3 version (the version number previous to the rebuild was 0.2.2)

October 23rd, 2006, 09:36
Thanks for the news baboon and for the translayion b8a. Good to see NJ back at work. But ill stick with mikes modified version for now.

October 23rd, 2006, 17:52
hi, i havent tried this emu yet? does this emu have a good speed (FPS) like the CPS2 emu?

October 23rd, 2006, 18:10
well for me its a lot better than the cps2 capcom and runs better

October 23rd, 2006, 19:43
Sadly like the CPS2 emulator i'll have to wait until the rom converter is ported to OSX for me to try this one out. (no luck with DosBox)

But if it's anything like his Neo Geo CD emulator it'll be worth the wait.

October 24th, 2006, 06:01
i tried metal slug 5 and garoup and there is no sound.. those this emu support sound or the roms have problems with this emu?

October 24th, 2006, 06:10
i tried metal slug 5 and garoup and there is no sound.. those this emu support sound or the roms have problems with this emu?
This set is just too large to load everything it needs into ram hence no sound there is a list of all of the roms sets and how much memory they require in the older version, I've not tried this one but I believe that metal slug 2 is the largest metal slug that can be played with sound support.

October 24th, 2006, 06:21
sorry to bother you with this.
but could you give me a list of games(KOF SERIES, METAL SLUG SERIES, FATAL FURY SERIES) you know that support sound.
which is the size limit of the rom for sound support??
like 20 mb max???

October 24th, 2006, 21:16
sorry to bother you with this.
but could you give me a list of games(KOF SERIES, METAL SLUG SERIES, FATAL FURY SERIES) you know that support sound.
which is the size limit of the rom for sound support??
like 20 mb max???

I think the limit for sound working is about 22mb.

October 24th, 2006, 23:34
I thought that Samurai Shodown 4 needed .05 meg to get sound working. Now that ME version is available, isn't enough memory for SS4 to have sound or am I wrong?

October 25th, 2006, 04:11
what firmware does this work on?