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View Full Version : A puddle of Trouble

October 23rd, 2006, 03:18
Ok guys,

Im fed up with these issues

1) Having to reload a page 10 times before it will work but just displaying a line of code after the dcemu logo either saying <-- log out or something like that

2) downloads stop half way. This is really hard on dialup users which they spend half an hour downloading something then find the download has corrupted (Some people cant get broadband in their area)

3) Just was pointed out by Mark30001 that the admin warning messages were displayed on the latest topic bar... which then makes it unethically unfair on some people..

These are important issues, I don't like having to travel to other sites to get a download which then works fine at a higher speed...

Please comment on these issues folks! It would be really appreciated

October 23rd, 2006, 03:28
I agree wally I have spent 5 times downloading somthing before. but still dcemu.co.uk is definatley my favorite.

October 23rd, 2006, 09:18
1) Having to reload a page 10 times before it will work but just displaying a line of code after the dcemu logo either saying <-- log out or something like that

i don't know what that means..

2) downloads stop half way. This is really hard on dialup users which they spend half an hour downloading something then find the download has corrupted (Some people cant get broadband in their area)

there is nothing we can do about that, but i would recommend that you get a download manager, if you get cut off you can resume from the point it stoped downloading.

3) Just was pointed out by Mark30001 that the admin warning messages were displayed on the latest topic bar... which then makes it unethically unfair on some people..

yeah we would rather that did not happen but at the moment there is no way round it. but i would say that warnings are made public anyway (you can see that a post has been warned) and we do want to show that there are consequences for breaking the rules

October 24th, 2006, 00:51
1) This is what i mean (soz if its so large but yeah suffer! :P)

Basically i have to refresh the screen about 5 times before i get any of the website..

This never happened in the past

October 24th, 2006, 02:00
yeah its real annoying to keep having to reloading the page

October 24th, 2006, 02:53
never happened to me, maybe it's your computer or internet connection going out?

October 24th, 2006, 04:58
No, happens to me sometimes to...

October 24th, 2006, 09:23
we made a few changes last night, topic from the private forums don't show on the front page, we where using rss-to-javascript to show recent topics (that was slowing down ther loading of the news pages) that has be replaced.

also we have reduced the amount of forums in the index so should help with loading.