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View Full Version : TIFF Release Unstuck

October 23rd, 2006, 22:25
News/release from SG57 (http://jordansg57.googlepages.com/)


Fix/Repair Stuck Pixels (possibly dead ones?)
Works by flashing Red, Blue and Green (contain 16 million colors) color'd pixels on each pixel randomly very fast for an extended period of time in hopes of unsticking a stuck pixel.
Search/Find Stuck Pixels
Works by manipulating the screen in 3 ways: Black, White and Fading. This allows you to look for stuck pixels yourself, any color, thus saving you time since if you DONT have any stuck pixels, you'd be repairing/fixing nothing.
Very short intro!
All my projects released so far have had quite an intro, this is the first to actually not keep you waiting during the intro.
Power Tick
This is in the latest version. It is a crucial thing to have in all screen repair apps as it will update the psp, as if a button were pressed, so the screen doesnt shut off.


Up/Down - Navigate
X - Run option
Testing for Stuck Pixels:
L Trigger - Black Background
R Trigger - White Background
X - Fading Background (black->white->black smooth transitions)
[] - Hide Message Dialog
Start - Return to main menu
HOME - Exit
Music Note - Screenshot
Heart-warming exit screen
Credits (also cool looking)
'Easy to use' interface
Source Code included (very good for beginners as its commented alot and has alot of useful techniques


Fixed download link + added power tick + optimized some code. Read features for more info.


I just hope someone finds this useful as it took me ~4-5 hours to produce (had to break in the middle for food :P)

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

October 23rd, 2006, 22:46
THis is awsome thanks a lot man.
I have been searching for a stuck pixel fixer for 2.8 even though I dont have any. its allways nice to have one.

I appreciate the hard work that went into this and I thank you

October 23rd, 2006, 23:28
umm can u place the file on here with it already opend or something every time i download it my comp doesnt kno wht to open it with plus where do i place it in the mem stick of the psp

thanx i need this man i got some stuck pixels or dead

October 23rd, 2006, 23:55
Arent there ones that have been released since the PSP launched? There was either colored JPEGs or a small MP4 file that flashed the files over and over for like 1 min.

So what makes this different then the ones already released?

October 24th, 2006, 00:57
umm can u place the file on here with it already opend or something every time i download it my comp doesnt kno wht to open it with plus where do i place it in the mem stick of the psp

thanx i need this man i got some stuck pixels or dead

If you have 2.81 then forget about it. Otherwise place this foler in: X:/PSP/PHOTO/

turn on your psp then go into your photos hover over 'unstick', hit triangle and select slideshow. it wont launch everytime. if it doesnt launch hold your power switch up for around 10 seconds and retry until it works. Although the 'unstick' feature is cool it DOES take 2+ hours.

October 24th, 2006, 00:58
im trying it. i have 3 stuck ones. also the tiff started up on first try.

October 24th, 2006, 01:15
can you turn this in to a non tiff?
maybe like a game boot type of thing

October 24th, 2006, 01:34

October 24th, 2006, 01:39
ok sorry if i seem to spam but WHAT THE HELL MAN SG57 Loves me? im sick of these credits i feel violated man....lol well in all seriousness why would you put someting in something like that?

October 24th, 2006, 02:25
Don't double post, use the edit button.

October 24th, 2006, 03:12
yea i got 2.80 and it dont work i put it in photo

October 24th, 2006, 06:33
This rocks, I have been waiting for this since I have one non-moving pixel, thanks dude.

October 26th, 2006, 03:01
heh - I didnt mean to scare you with the credits, just... know someone is looking out for you on 2.8 ;) Hell im 0.9 below you guys now.

As for it not working - as with all tiff homebrew, the exploit in which to launch them is unstable so... Just keep trying and mess around with it. If you find waiting 3 seconds on the game nad pressing start works for you, KEEP DOING IT!

April 7th, 2007, 22:53
Please Help!

I don't know how to open the archive! ='(

I'd copied the PSP/Photo/Unstuck folder to PSP and there's only a picture that do not do nothing!!

Please, how to open to try to recovery my Stuck pixels?

April 8th, 2007, 00:13
You need to use an eLoader, NintendoGuy, but it only works in firmware 3.03 or less. Besides, if you are lucky enough to have a 3.03 or less PSP, you should really consider downgrading it to 1.50, and even upgrading it to OE custom firmware.

April 8th, 2007, 01:44
I have a custom firmware by Dark-Alex
It's 3.10 OE A

Do it works?

Can I use the 2.6 eLoader?

If don't, where can I find the right eloader?

And... How to use this eLoader? And to Open the 'unstuck' with it?

Thanks! ;D

April 8th, 2007, 04:17
you dont need any loader with OE firmwares.

April 8th, 2007, 15:55
I can't open it too

I'd copied the folders but when I go to Photo/Unstuck nothing happens. I'm with the custom firmware 3.10 OE-A by Dark Alex

April 8th, 2007, 19:44
Looks kool... i have seen alot of stuck pixel fixers over the past year and 5 months

April 12th, 2007, 01:28
So, I'm with the 3.10 OE-A'

How can I open the program?

I'd copied everything to the 'photo/unstuck' and it apears only a sux emblem. And, what to do with the folder 'source'?

Is it some risk by using this program? 4 example, appear news stuck pixels because of the program?

Thanks ^^

Please help!!

Please help! ='(

May 12th, 2007, 04:36
Now I'm with 9 stuck pixels.

How to open this TIFF? It's my last hope. I had tried a few programs. How to Open this TIFF in my 3.40OE-A?