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View Full Version : Silent Hill: Downpour brings the old back to the new

January 10th, 2012, 00:22
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2012/01/silenthilldownpourscreen.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2012/01/09/silent-hill-downpour-brings-the-old-back-to-the-new/)

As we saw back at E3, Silent Hill: Downpour (http://joystiq.com/game/silent-hill-downpour) evokes the feel of old Silent Hillgames, by sending its protagonist Murphy into the familiar town, where he finds monsters, creepiness, and all sorts of dangerous puzzles. But producer Tomm Hulett says this version of the game isn't just about revisiting the setting of the old titles -- he's trying to collect some new fans as well.

"Bringing Silent Hill into sort of a modern game, for old fans, mainstream, for new fans, whatever, it's interesting," he told us at a recent preview event. "Because you need to keep those classic elements but you need to make them interesting for people who are used to Dead Space or Red Dead."

To that end, Downpour has a few systems in it designed to make sure that the new game not only lives up to the Silent Hill franchise, but allows newer players (and even those who just want a good scare) to experience all the frightening fun, too.
