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View Full Version : Dell plans to launch new tablet in late 2012

January 11th, 2012, 21:44
PC firm plans to learn from the mistakes of its short-lived Streak 7.
Just last month Dell announced that its enterprise-focused Streak 7 tablet was to be discontinued (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/news/read/dell-streak-7-discontinued-in-us/016395) in America. It was the second tablet the company abandoned following the Streak 5, which also suffered undesirable sales.
Now Dell has told Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/11/us-ces-dell-idUSTRE80A07S20120111?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtechnologyNews+%28N ews+%2F+US+%2F+Technology%29) that it intends to target consumers with its next tablet, which will receive a Q4 launch. It's likely the company will be hoping for a high interest in the device in the approach to the Christmas shopping season.
Steve Felice, chief commercial officer, Dell, said: "We have been taking our time. The general failure of everyone that's tried to introduce a tablet outside of Apple. You will see us enter this market in a bigger way toward the end of the year. So we are not really deemphasizing it, we are really being very careful how we enter it.
"When you are talking about PC, people are more focused on the hardware itself. When you are talking about the tablet or the smartphone, people are interested in the overall environment it's operating in. As we have matured in this, we are spending a lot more time in the overall ecosystem."
In order to make a dent in the iPad's sales, the future Dell device will need to think carefully about what OS to choose. Felice himself was tightlipped about whether the firm would select Windows 8 or Apple nemesis Android, calling both of them "viable options."
