View Full Version : Sony denies Responsibility for closure of Lik Sang

October 24th, 2006, 20:39
In a statement issued to GamesIndustry.biz, Sony has denied any responsibility for the closure of Lik-Sang - accusing the online retailer of "sour grapes".

The statement begins by observing that Sony Computer Entertainment has successfully sued Pacific Game Technology, which uses Lik-Sang as one of its trading names, for infringing intellectual property rights.

"Lik-Sang did not contest this case (i.e. they did not turn up and therefore incurred no legal costs). We have been awarded substantial costs against Lik-Sang which have not been paid," the statement claims.

"We would therefore strongly deny that our actions have had anything to do with this website closing (we assume the legal entity is still trading), and would suggest that this release is sour grapes on behalf of Lik-Sang which is aimed to belittle Sony Computer Entertainment and the British judicial system that found against them."

Earlier today, Lik-Sang announced it was going out of business, citing a series of lawsuits filed by Sony as the reason for the closure. The retailer also alleged that several SCE executives purchased import PSP hardware and software on its website.

Sony responded, "The purchasing of PSP consoles by SCE employees would be for investigatory purposes. We would also like to express our surprise at a company releasing personal information about its consumers, as this is contrary to data protection principles around the world."


wraggster - Well they would say that wouldnt they

October 24th, 2006, 21:18
WTF is Going on?

It almost looks like Sony's a little worried about the backlash.

"Lik-Sang did not contest this case (i.e. they did not turn up and therefore incurred no legal costs). We have been awarded substantial costs against Lik-Sang which have not been paid," the statement claims.

But, they still have an obligation to pay (if they stick around), right?

I've no interest in Boycotting Sony for this (no PS3 for me cuz it's too expensive), but this could get interesting...

October 24th, 2006, 21:27
Well, at the minute its a case of "whose word do you take for it" kinda thing

And yes Wraggster.. Sony would say that indeed.

I'll take Lik Sang's word for it.

October 24th, 2006, 22:09
Well, we know that's not true.

October 24th, 2006, 22:10
I'll take sonys word for it.

they are the loosers in this and the
ones that broke the law.

still haveing a great day .

October 24th, 2006, 22:21
[devils advocate]

Just because cock fighting is legal in some countries doesn't make it legal in others. So unless someone can prove that Sony possibly did something underhanded to win the court case that has caused the demise of Lik-Sang, I say enough said.

Sony is not at "fault" here. They brought their case forward to protect the intellectual property and company face. A court ruled they were right, that's how the system works people.

[/devils advocate]

Now just because they say it's the law doesn't mean anyone here has to stand for it or like it. Laws are meant to change to conform to what the people want, at least in my country. So fine if you don't want to boycott then don't, but I can tell you this, all the words we place on forums mean nothing to Sony I presume. Hell, it means nothing to most other companies as well for the matter. If you really want to show them how you feel hit them in their bank account, by not buying any of their product. You think you can't make a difference, but you can. Simply don't give in. Wait for the next product to come along from what you deem a more reputable company. It will eventually, but only you can decide whom gets your hard earned money. Either a company you can feel good about when buying their product or a company you hate. Just keep in mind the company you dislike, but want that product more, wins in the end. They can prove your principals mean nothing when you buy their brand yet wave your "I hate so and so" flag.

October 24th, 2006, 22:25
I'll take sonys word for it.

they are the loosers in this and the
ones that broke the law.

still haveing a great day .

Do a search on "Sony Rootkit's" then tell us how much you trust and love Sony. They illegally installed software on peoples pc's without them ever knowing it was being done and not giving them a way to remove it till they were exposed for their practices.

October 24th, 2006, 22:28
OMG?!?!??....even if SONY gets away with it, all gamers of the world know that SONY is the one responsible for the closure of Lik Sang....................

October 24th, 2006, 23:19
OMG what is it with these people and the stupid stripes/ads in their signatures?! I don't care what kinda games you play, what receipes your momma enjoys cooking, what you wear, what you're fan of, what your religion is, what size your dick is! I'll ask you when I want to know!
Sheesh, it's getting more retarded every day, and you've really stacked them. Are you going for guiness record?! Where are the days when people got kicked off the boards for having a 3-lines or longer signature?

Offtopic aside:

This is it, I am not going to buy a PS3. I fully intended to do this but no, I am not going to buy one. Except when the thing gets so old and so cheap that it wouldn't make a difference anymore.

So - how's that for a standpoint? I assure you, I do mean it.

October 24th, 2006, 23:36
i hate when big fish do that to little fish...I GOT MY v1.50 PSP WHEN IT WAS FRESH OUT FROM Link-sang so **** YOU SONy! there is problem in sharing around the world!! HOPE SONY GETS WHAT IT DESERVS...im thinking the FULL hacking of there prised pig ..the PS3

October 24th, 2006, 23:40
i hate when bif fish do that to little fish...I GOT MY v1.50 PSP WHEN IT WAS FRESH OUT FROM Link-sang so **** YOU SONy! there is problem in sharing around the world!! HOPE SONY GETS WHAT IT DESERVS...im thinking the FULL hacking of there prised pig ..the PS3

Oh the irony - "I love the PSP, but I hate Sony."

Does anyone think Lik-Sang is going to reply to Sony? This could make for some interesting e-drama :)

October 24th, 2006, 23:47
Oh the irony - "I love the PSP, but I hate Sony."

Does anyone think Lik-Sang is going to reply to Sony? This could make for some interesting e-drama :)

yes i hate $Ony! like the psp.. lOve the ps3! :D what can i say?? its not like the w!! ..i mean wii is capable of playin the next GTA game the same way the ps3 will.

i hope link-sang does reply to it & make sony feel guilty for..3.4mins then sony would probly continue counting there $$$$$$$

John Vattic
October 25th, 2006, 00:02
Kinda like congress saying they're not responsible for the war in Iraq.

I never shopped at lik-sang, but i would have.

RIP lik-sang

PS3 and blu-ray can go back to hell where they were forged!


October 25th, 2006, 00:14
That is such BS. It is entirely Sony's fault Lik-Sang is closing. The people at Sony are a bunch of self centered pieces of crap. If it weren't for PSP, I'd never buy from Sony.

Basil Zero
October 25th, 2006, 00:24

seriously, another blow to the psp scene..

October 25th, 2006, 00:55
sony is so stupid for shooting themselves in the foot, lik-sang is probaly the largest video game importer in the world, they moved so many ps2's everywhere for sony that they should be grateful

October 25th, 2006, 02:46
That’s twice Sony has screwed lik-sang. I hope they realize that there will be consequences for what they just did.

October 25th, 2006, 04:08
Lik-Sang did not contest this case (i.e. they did not turn up and therefore incurred no legal costs)
They really expect a company based in Hong Kong to show up in London?:confused:

We would therefore strongly deny that our actions have had anything to do with this website closing
You consider suing Lik Sang for money as having nothing to do with harming them financially?:eek:

The purchasing of PSP consoles by SCE employees would be for investigatory purposes.
I am pretty sure that would be handled by the research and marketing departments, not by the Creative and Development Directors.:rolleyes:

We would also like to express our surprise at a company releasing personal information about its consumers, as this is contrary to data protection principles around the world.
................. Well thats......... The thing is............................ ?!?


ok 1 point to sony.:o

But I still think that they are full of bull with most of their statement.

October 25th, 2006, 05:01
Sony's got a lot of nerve demanding legal compensation from Lik-Sang while refusing to pay a cent of the money they owe Immersion Technologies. The company seems to think that it only has to listen to the court decisions in their favor. Sorry, but things just don't work that way!

Sony will keep abusing the legal system, game developers, and their customers for as long as they control the industry. If you buy the Playstation 3, you're supporting all of this... and you'll get what you deserve.


October 25th, 2006, 05:05
I may have to add Sony to my "bash-list". EA games was added to it a while ago, and since I have convinced all my friends not to EVER buy another EA game... So, if Sony wants to play hard-ball by hurting a friend (LikSang, I consider you my buddy), then we can all just agree to not purchase any more items from Sony.

This simply means, buy all your PSP used, and all your games used, then at least they won't get getting any money from ya anymore. We don't need Sony anymore, let's just agree to never purchase things from them again...

October 25th, 2006, 07:57
This simply means, buy all your PSP used, and all your games used, then at least they won't get getting any money from ya anymore. We don't need Sony anymore, let's just agree to never purchase things from them again...

I got mine off ebay:p

honestly, i like what developers put out for sony in the games department, but i do not care for sony itself at all, so, i want the ps3/psp to be really great and have good games, but at the same time, i really want the ps3 to fail:o plus then it would be easier to afford...

October 25th, 2006, 08:46
Well, its time to strike back. Its time for AC to step up.

October 25th, 2006, 09:20
I'm struggling to understand exactly how lik-sang infringed IP law. Can someone explain the grounds that sony used to bring them to court?

October 25th, 2006, 09:27
Basically -
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), very broadly, are rights granted to creators and owners of works that are results of human intellectual creativity. These works can be in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic domain. It can be in the form of an invention, a manuscript, a suite of software, or a business name.

In general, the objective of IPR is to protect the right of copyright authors in their (Sony) work and at the same time allow the general public to access their creativity. IPR maintains this balance by putting in place time-limits on the author’s means of controlling a particular work. The law that regulates the creation, use and control of the protected work is popularly known as Intellectual Property Law (IP).

I know this doesnt explain how Sony brought the case... but gives you an understanding of what they were getting at

October 25th, 2006, 09:30
That I can tell, Sony is right. They did not force lik-sang out of business. They sued them, in part because they used the sony logo without permission, and lik-sang ignored the lawsuit.

Sony hasn't seen a cent of lik-sang's money, and more than likely never will. The ruling of the high court of london (as far as I know) has no legal standing in hong kong, and sony probably has no way to force lik-sang to pay.

There is something extremely fishy about the whole thing. I imagine the company may change names/owners but remain basically the same thing and re-open at some point, all the while having basically punished Sony for attacking them by feeding flames of hatred for them.

October 25th, 2006, 09:33
So, they shut them down for illegal use of a trademark sorta thing? nothing to do with the import/export side of things? Hmm, this gets more strange by the minute

October 25th, 2006, 10:26
so surely that set a presadent that all games/ consoles can not be imported into the UK without premission from the makers!

I think lik-sang were thinking, that there whole bussiness is based on this. Who knows how much bussiness the UK made up for lik-sang?


dont know if this is true but:

Sony stooped to new lows by filing the same lawsuit in every single EU country, basically drowning Lik-Sang in paperwork and lawyers fees. Sony wins because Lik-Sang can’t afford to defend themselves. The end result is that Sony didn’t just say, “Hey, stop selling our stuff, if you don’t mind.” They proceeded to nothing less than thuggery by beating the company while they were down.

and on my travels i found this

October 25th, 2006, 10:51
and on my travels i found this

nice find.
just checked out the links on that site... and it seems everyone is just as pissed off as everyone else

October 25th, 2006, 11:12
I'll take sonys word for it.

they are the loosers in this and the
ones that broke the law.

still haveing a great day .

Do you work for sony or something?

October 25th, 2006, 11:16
I wouldnt worry about it. MUD has been trolling this story since yesterday.
If he is such the sony asslicker that he is making out he his, he should update his PSP to 2.8 and find a new forum.

October 25th, 2006, 11:25
This is disgusting and disturbing news.

Truly a sad day... I'm gutted. :(

October 25th, 2006, 12:39
this is sick screw sony they can burn in hell!

October 25th, 2006, 12:51
i never used lik-sang so i dunno if it was a good site or not, but sony didnt have to go to the extent of making it close down, it sucks, if sony can do that toone online store where are they gonna strike next...

as for MUDD, i think his name would match him better spelt backwards, and with a D removed

goaliedude, shouldnt you sig say this;
erutangis ruoy sa siht esu sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams erew uoy fi

October 25th, 2006, 14:37
i never used lik-sang so i dunno if it was a good site or not, but sony didnt have to go to the extent of making it close down, it sucks, if sony can do that toone online store where are they gonna strike next...

as for MUDD, i think his name would match him better spelt backwards, and with a D removed

goaliedude, shouldnt you sig say this;
erutangis ruoy sa siht esu sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams erew uoy fi

you do realize that dumb is spelled with a b right?
I don't see what MUDD is saying as any worse then people saying "die sony die"

October 25th, 2006, 16:02
How will this effect sony sales? I think they will bancrupt in several years with such jokes and then they won't spread shit on us :)

October 25th, 2006, 16:07
I doubt this will realistically affect the sales of Sony's products.

October 25th, 2006, 18:51

wraggster - Well they would say that wouldnt they
Ah the exact quote & source I used in the first thread yesterday, wherever that thread drifted to now, didnt think it was worth stickin in its own thread at the time as it was a continuation of the story, maybe people prefer it seperate like this though

October 25th, 2006, 19:09
My hatred for $ony (even though they are the creators of my beloved PSP) grows ever stronger :mad:

October 26th, 2006, 02:48
Hey guys, hearing all the negative stuff about Sony means one thing-- It is our job and duty to tell everyone you can about how mean and ruthless Sony is as a company. We need to show Sony that when they hurt a friend, they will fell the burn from their customers. Tell everyone you know how bad Sony is, and tell them to buy competitors stuff as much as possible!!!!!!

I may have to go buy a freakin 360 now. Hey Sony, you lost my money, punks... Eat my words mean, money hingry, capatlistic pigs. TELL EVERYONE!

October 26th, 2006, 06:35
Sony would luv it if they ruled the world and could close all the other companys down