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View Full Version : RGCD C64 Game Development Competition 2011

January 17th, 2012, 00:39
The RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2011, to give the full title, has recently been concluded with the judges’ results. This very author was kindly asked to serve as one of the judges and it was an honour to play through the games and comment on them. Some games were familiar already having had previews released through CSDb (http://noname.c64.org/csdb/) and RGCD (http://www.rgcd.co.uk/), but others were a pleasant surprise. Personally, the puzzle games stood out more than the others, as I’ve never been a very big shoot-’em-up fan. The three games that I kept coming back to were Space Lords, Panic Analogue and C64anabalt. But enough of what I think, what did the other judges think – surprisingly, not too far away from my own thoughts, it seems
