View Full Version : [NDS] Explore Hyrule

January 18th, 2012, 15:06
via http://www.nintendomax.com/portal.php

Kazuki offers " Explore Hyrule "in which you can explore the remake of the map Legend of Zelda Overworld.

Explore Hyrule Unread postby Kazuki "December 29th, 2011, 7:15 am Explore a remake of the original Legend of Zelda's overworld map. No collision map Other than the first screen as it's just Something I Threw Together using my recreation of the map with LoZ A Link to the Past sprites. Updated with a full collision map. I Had to split up the map due to collision with backgrounds from memory. Some of the trees and stuff (Armos, rocks, tombstone, etc.). Do not have collision maps Since I plan on using objects and sprites for Actual em so the player Can interact with 'em. Also now you go slow When walking up and down stairs / ladders. And Something I forgot to mention: B button attacks, L / R buttons switch-through the different swords, and A button warps you back to the first screen.
