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View Full Version : Will you buy a ps3?

October 26th, 2006, 01:44
Cool. New forum means new discussions. I guess I'll start it off with a poll. The question, will you buy a ps3. If not, explain your reasoning. I will not for too many reasons.

The Hombrew Hunter
October 26th, 2006, 01:52
Haahahahaaa...**** NO!

Too Expensive
$ony doesn't deserve my money for getting rid of LikSang
They lose more money on unsold consoles than consoles sold. I think.

October 26th, 2006, 02:31
No, I will get a Wii :)

October 26th, 2006, 05:51
Definitely not! I was considering it, but since Sony are being jackasses, and with there recent closer of Lik-Sang, it's not an option.

October 26th, 2006, 06:17
hell no, i'm getting a 360...maybe a Wii depends on how much dough i got :D

October 26th, 2006, 07:02
Yah I’ll buy one. I know $ony has been doing some really crapy things lately but at the same time there a company and a companies whole purpose is to make money. Sadly if $ony tried to be more understanding and had better customer service. They would probably end up making more money because people would not boycott their products because of their actions. But anyways I like their products and am willing to buy them. As for the PS3 being to expensive, yes it is. But your getting close to what you’re paying for. I was looking over all of the stuff you get, plus the online gaming is supposed to be free for most games. (We'll see if they stick to that statement) I think some people don't realize all the stuff included and fees that won’t be charged for other uses. So I would say that even though its super expensive you’re getting more than meets the eye.

October 26th, 2006, 12:56
Yes, superior hardware, a good set of games, able to download PSOne games and just a good all-round console.

Cap'n 1time
October 26th, 2006, 14:13
Im too old to be shelling out that much money for a console. No doubt some of the games will be enjoyable, and same for x360, but I think the wii will be amongst the last consoles I ever buy for more than $200.

October 26th, 2006, 14:27
i have a 360 and might get a wii at some stage, the sony has yet to give me a good reason to buy the ps3...

October 26th, 2006, 15:24
White Knight, FFXIII...sorry Sony, not enough to convince this gamer of your console :mad:

October 26th, 2006, 16:06
I promised myself to save myself the grief which I'd get from using any sony product. I don't wanna product that stands a good chance of blowing up, cant run anything other than "officially licensed" crap, use some shitty disc format which will be obselete even before its adopted, another useless "media centre" with a million restrictions, a load of boring non interactive cinematic games, get sued for buying it a little earlier than i should officially.

All from a company who lies, cheats, steals, sues, monopolises, and probably run by a group of ex-war criminals which particiapted in the notorious human experiments (like cutting a beating heart from a child, or chopping bits of brain to see what functions the person looses) on chinese people during the war.

I think i'll buy an xbox 360 instead. Bill gates is a much nicer person compared to the nut jobs that run sony.

October 26th, 2006, 16:49
i say no, why

its too expensive
PlayStation games are all getting to similar (and becoming more cutscene than game)
stole tilt from wii controller

The Hombrew Hunter
October 27th, 2006, 03:13
PSOne games downloadable on PS3, but NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, and Turbographics on Wii. Yeah, not very hard to figure out.

October 27th, 2006, 14:30
i will BUY the PS3 for sure. i have a feeling a lot of the people that post on these forums about how the ps3 is too pricey and unaffordable are either kids who live with their parents or grown-ups who don't have good, stable jobs. the thing is if that's your reasoning then don't even talk or breathe about the PS3 since it's definitely NOT catered for you. this machine is for the hard-working people who work day and/or night to make an honest living. not for people who just sit all day on their computers, munchin' on cheetos while watchin' jerry springer all day long. just quit the whining if you can't afford it. i'm tired of hearing people complain so much about this.

October 27th, 2006, 14:43
or, they are hardworking people that don't want to waste their hard earned money on crap ;)

(was it not always the spoilt rich kid that got every new console as soon as it came out, no matter the price? )

October 27th, 2006, 14:46
i will BUY the PS3 for sure. i have a feeling a lot of the people that post on these forums about how the ps3 is too pricey and unaffordable are either kids who live with their parents or grown-ups who don't have good, stable jobs. the thing is if that's your reasoning then don't even talk or breathe about the PS3 since it's definitely NOT catered for you. this machine is for the hard-working people who work day and/or night to make an honest living. not for people who just sit all day on their computers, munchin' on cheetos while watchin' jerry springer all day long. just quit the whining if you can't afford it. i'm tired of hearing people complain so much about this.

That's just stupid I know rich people that would look at the price of the PS3 and laugh there ass off and not buy it.

or, they are hardworking people that don't want to waste their hard earned money on crap ;)

(was it not always the spoilt rich kid that got every new console as soon as it came out, no matter the price? )

Exactly im not a spoilt rich kid and I could save up and buy a PS3 if I wanted but the price is just, well insane and the launch consoles will probably blow up.

October 28th, 2006, 09:28
Hellllllllll no!

October 28th, 2006, 19:14
or, they are hardworking people that don't want to waste their hard earned money on crap ;)

(was it not always the spoilt rich kid that got every new console as soon as it came out, no matter the price? )

Yeah i agree with you.
5 reasons why

1st-I dont earn much money as a student.
2nd-I dont eat junk food, at all
3rd-I Dont watch jerry springer
4th-the last gamings system i ever got for a gift was a sega Genesis 3
5th-The Ps3 is a graphics, and prossesor beast, and i am not one to complain about cheezy graphics from a console of lesser value

Cap'n 1time
October 28th, 2006, 19:17
i will BUY the PS3 for sure. i have a feeling a lot of the people that post on these forums about how the ps3 is too pricey and unaffordable are either kids who live with their parents or grown-ups who don't have good, stable jobs. the thing is if that's your reasoning then don't even talk or breathe about the PS3 since it's definitely NOT catered for you. this machine is for the hard-working people who work day and/or night to make an honest living. not for people who just sit all day on their computers, munchin' on cheetos while watchin' jerry springer all day long. just quit the whining if you can't afford it. i'm tired of hearing people complain so much about this.


Perhaps I am going a bit overbored but you have no sense of logic what-so-ever. I dont have money, but you, rich boy, are free to send me $600 so that I can play games all day. Feel free to PM me for my address. Meanwhile Im sure that a large portion of non spoiled people are willing to do the same.


The Hombrew Hunter
October 29th, 2006, 02:38
I'm not a spoiled RICH kid...

I'm a spoiled MIDDLE CLASS kid. And I'm not getting every console. I just want the Wii, and the parents have stated...

"The wii and that game is more than I would spend on you normally, but since others will play it..."

Wii and Twilight Princess is all I get from my parents for birthday and christmas (Dec 22 and Dec 25, respectively.

October 29th, 2006, 04:08
im not made of money so no.

October 31st, 2006, 18:57
no sony are evil i am not one for funding evil plans

October 31st, 2006, 23:38
Never Not Now Or In A Billion Years!

November 1st, 2006, 00:05
Heck no.

After what I've heard about it, I've concluded its as good a waste of money as buying a $600 shiny turd.

November 1st, 2006, 00:10
As long as I hear of a good games lineup. A new GTA sounds nice. I had a dream about the next gta. I was in it and it was in HD. It looks so amazing!

November 2nd, 2006, 01:53
I'm going with no for now.
But I'll leave Sony the opportunity to change my mind about paying $600 for a game system. It may take a lot to change my mind after the crap they've been pulling lately, but that's definitely Sony's problem.

November 2nd, 2006, 04:49
I'll go with no for now, but hope for the best, and if they make it a good system, it's out of my price range anyway, and they will just taunt me with it.

November 2nd, 2006, 09:23

November 2nd, 2006, 15:44
Definitely yes. Will pre-order a UK model as soon as i can.

Some great games announced already with more coming, 60GB hard disk, a Blu Ray player thrown in, Blu Ray will win the format war purely because of the amount of PS3s in people's homes within 6 months, backwards compatibility, ability to link it up to my PSP, free online, web browser etc. Good value as far as i'm concerned.

It will sit next to my 360. It's the Wii that i won't be getting, no interest in that whatsoever..

November 2nd, 2006, 15:50
Blu Ray will win the format war purely because of the amount of PS3s in people's homes within 6 months,

well lets see, for the first month there are less than 500, 000 units being made, i don't see how they can make a huge amount of ps3, enough to decide the HD media war with in 6 months.

its too early for blu ray and HD, not many people have a HD t.v. so those formats are pointless for them.

November 18th, 2006, 07:16
I find it very humorous how you all think that you are all hardcore gamers and you fail to recognize the power of the ps3 the ps3 is going to be the most hackable piece of equipment out there it runs on a cell processor, can install programs such as itunes, windows XP, linux, or any Cd/DVD burner program. Its not going to do good at launch? Who cares pretty much all the new systems have flaws in them the xbox had a heating problem, the early ps2's had trouble reading the blue disc games, the 360 had crappy launch titles, (argue the fact that it had good games and your smoking weed, call of duty 2 was the only good game) Can the Wii watch movies? No. Can the Wii hook up any usb device? Have a wireless controller? Free Internet gaming? Ability to go online? System Updates? 60GB or 20GB hard drive?

You all go get your 250 dollar system that is useless and i will tell you why

If your going to "interact" with your games go get off your butt and join a gym and get in shape. Video games are for being lazy and relaxing not burning calories. and if you argue that heres a tid bit of info for you---The ps3 also minorly supports that same idea too. The advertising for the ps3 has also been very high The commercials for the ps3 have been awesome the one with the eggs and the birds flying out of the wall is sick, robot chicken, bands promoting it at concerts. The ps3 offers built in memory card slots? Know what im talking about? I'm sure most of you dont you literally install memory cards unto the hard drive, a ps1 one and a ps2 one to save your data too. You can make as many memory cards as you wish too. We ps3 users (like you wii fans) can also download good oldies such as FFVII, FFVIII and tony hawk 2. Oh yeah, can the Wii transfer things to the psp? Can it project the wiis nintendo screen onto the DS lite? Can it on the psp? No! The wii can check the weather and go online. Wow!!!!! If i wanted the weather i'll go mobile on my cell phone or better yet the paper!!! I bet half of you don't even read a vast amount of literature. I'm being blunt, but I don't care. Also one quick aspect the ps3 has on the Wii can you make 10,000 grand off of it on ebay? haha no! I love how people say Nintendo makes "fun games" because all those games are incredibly dumb. I work at a video store and have rented the gamecube out to try games that we get in they all stink. I give things a try and seriously the NES and SNS were the best systems ever and i agree that they will always be the best selling handheld company out there but in terms of consoles NOW they are f'ed up.

People you need to open your eyes and think Sony is not screwed they make digital cameras, tv's, video game systems and many other things. Nintendo hasnt made a great system since the 64 and you all know it. Gamecube??? haha the only game worth playing was smash brothers. Why do you think they are offering us the classics to "pay for and download?" Because they know they cant compete with Microsoft or Sony so they dropped out of the running and aimed there gaming at a younger audience. Have fun playing your Zelda:Twilight Princess. You do realize that without that game i'm sure nintendos sales would halve?????? Think about it you know that to be true. I know plenty of people who are just buying that system for the new Zelda

John Vattic
November 18th, 2006, 15:10
yeah too bad i love my gamecube. i have the most games for my cube. also ps2 games weren't fun. i just got ps2 to play the survival horror games. if games were multi -platform, i got it for my gamecube.

i'm getting a wii because of flawless backwards-compatibillity and fun factor.

the ps3 at gamestop was fried as was the one at best buy. so ps3 will be good in another year or so.
(when they work out the serious issues with the hardware and do several recalls)

ps3 can get the middle finger for now. at least until ps3 slim. lmao

p.s. lmao @ ps3boyz only buying a ps3 because they have been told to.

December 15th, 2006, 17:59

Im definitely getting a PS3!

December 15th, 2006, 19:16
No, and never. I will wait for the Dreamcast 2.

December 15th, 2006, 19:29
I will buy 1 Not sure wen tho!

December 15th, 2006, 23:56
I do intend on getting one although im gonna have to wait till the price drops significantly

December 16th, 2006, 00:57
If I ever can afford it and a high definition TV. I got to play with a PS3 at EB, and I absolutely loved it.

December 16th, 2006, 02:21
Only (and I mean ONLY) if the price significantly drops and Sony stops being total assholes. One of these is possible, the other is impossible.

December 16th, 2006, 03:10
I bought a Wii. Up your ass Sony.

December 16th, 2006, 20:02
Can the Wii watch movies?
Sorry, but you can watch movies off of SD cards.

Can the Wii hook up any usb device?

Have a wireless controller?
That's what the entire system is based around.

Free Internet gaming?

Ability to go online?
The "Internet Channel" is due for release in the near future.

System Updates?
There were 2 updates for me the day it was released.

60GB or 20GB hard drive?
I'd take internal flash + SD cards + GameCube memory cards over a hard drive any day. Can't move the hard drive anywhere (unless you have a 360).

Next time, do some F |_| ( |< | |\| G research before you post.

December 16th, 2006, 20:23
i was holding out for one but there comes a point where you just get sick of all sony's f-ing bullshit. i HATE them. ps3 is overpriced and if gamespot is anything to go by it is underpowered. it is losing it's exclusives and blu-ray is another betamax/minidisc waiting to hapen. ouch im being harsh here. i wouldn't really mind a ps3 but gave up on it a week or two ago. im getting a 360 as soon as i have the money. the only things ill miss ps3 for are mgs4 and devil may cry. the only annoying thing is ill have the dreamcast ps2 and 360 cramped into the same tiny corner on my desk! i may get a ps3 eventually but till that time comes sony can shove it. they dont even support psp homebrew the *******s!

February 3rd, 2007, 04:58
Ya, it's awesome, plus i'm over buying new adaptors for my 360 cause they keep blowig up, I play them for a week, then booooom!!!

February 3rd, 2007, 14:27
ill say i do, and i did...

February 3rd, 2007, 14:55
I'll wait till never. Then maybe I'll buy one.