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View Full Version : final fantasy is crap

June 25th, 2004, 03:23
can someone please explain to me the attraction of final fantasy. im a big rpg fan but final fantasy has got to be one of the worst. you are forced to follow a pre determined route and forced to watch long and boring story segments. the battles last for far too long as well. its basically extremely linear and boring. the one redeeming feature it has is the graphics which are far better than any other game on ps2

June 25th, 2004, 03:31
ive never liked any of them since the snes to be honest. If i wanted to watch a video i'd go to blockbuster.

June 25th, 2004, 03:39
very true. its just like watching a long boring video.

June 25th, 2004, 10:24
1) Some of us prefer linear games. I honestly cant stand games that are completely blow wide open and give me a million ways to complete everything. I find it too overwhelming. I also love long battles, and I loved the fact that they got rid of ATB in FFX and went for a slower paced battle system. It was nice to think about suff strategically.

2) Im sick of people moaning on about cut scenes and acting like they didnt exist on the SNES or consoles before then. Yes they did, you just ploughed through text boxes instead of watching some nice video footage. People seem to think that if the computer takes control of your character, but blends it in perfectly with gameplay, it suddenly isnt a cut scene?

3) There is no point in trying to explain what the attraction is with FF games to somebody who doesnt like the series. If youve played it, and dont like it, then youre going to disagree with what people believe is the attraction anyway. But hey, its easily the most popular RPG series around, so they must be doing something right ;D

June 25th, 2004, 11:58
ive never liked any of them since the snes to be honest. If i wanted to watch a video i'd go to blockbuster.

I agree. I recently tried to play FF VII (It won the "Best Game Ever" poll on gamefaqs.com) but I find it boring, iritating, and silly. One crappy cut-scene after another. I'm playing FF VI (SNES) instead and I find that much more enjoyable.

I'm not a big fan of the cut-scenes anyway and prefer that they be done (as some one else mentioned) in the actual game engine instead of full motion video. It's less intrusive and seems more natural. I really hate having to stop and watch a little mini-movie every time something "important" happens. Ack!

June 25th, 2004, 15:16
final fantasy 9 is surely not crap.... but hey whatever happened to the dragon warrior series.now that was king i love that game....

June 25th, 2004, 21:58
final sets trends, instead of relying on games of D&D to dictate a games graphics, characters, names, abilities, situations, pretty much the whole games is a big D&D game. as opposed to FF which usually has captivating graphics, plot twist, and all kinds of stuff. but to compare two thing together i would say that FF is like a morally and ethical novel and most nonlinear games are trite and disposable games of D&D or whitewolf.

Cap'n 1time
June 25th, 2004, 22:58
I liked ff4 & ff5. And i took a liking to ff8 (here comes the flame fest). Final fantasy is becoming a peice of computer graphics crap. Modern RPG's really suck ass. The only system with that old school feel to it is the gba. as far as im concerned moder 3d graphics can go to hell. A game can look great, and suck. I would rather play my rpgs on super nintendo or playstation anyday then all this 3d modern crap.

Thats not to say all new age rpg's suck. I just really miss the olden days. :( back when it took creativity to sell a game, not flashy graphics and titles taken from other games.

I remember my first rpg ever was final fantasy 2. i loved it, and i think i have made a habbit to beat it again every year since i bought it. Super mario rpg was the next one i played and it was short and easy, but a great rpg never the less. When i got into emulation it blew my mind how many great rpgs were around that i had never heard of, and some are just now being discovered thanks to translators... im done rambling.

June 25th, 2004, 23:25
I feel the same way.

I think that FF3/6j was the crown achievement of rpg's. it was/is kick ass on so many levels. my first was FF1. which I must have played for 3-5 years over and over. until zelda3. there is something about zelda3 and final fantasy6 (and maybe even7) (and you can probably throw in metroid3) that trancsends all the newer rpg/adventure games., even the sequels of these games. I think there are far more people that will agree with me than disagree. nobody really knows why these games stand out so much either. but the fact of the matter for me at least is that at the end of the day you still think about these games. and compare new games to the feeling that you get when you play these games.

June 26th, 2004, 02:19
i really think the main loss of ff is the fact that you have so little control over it. i to miss the old rpgs. i used to have sword of vermillion and d&d warriors of the eternal sun on the megadrive and they were brilliant. kingdom hearts is one of the best games i have ever played which i think is due to the fact that YOU are fighting your way through some serious enemies at a speed which is exciting and bosses which are HUUUGGGEEE

June 26th, 2004, 02:47
i can't find my copy of the belegriad but old school final fantasy kicks ass and I will have to see about checking out the games you listed(if I can find them at the store)

June 26th, 2004, 13:19
Didn't 'kingdom Hearts' feature FF characters or am I thinking of another RPG (there's so many ;))...

FF brought the RPG games from the spotty nerds behind the screen to the masses, the movie cutscenes are legendary and so many other game producers seem to follow the well trodden path. Whatever your view on FF, credit where credit is due, long drawn out battles/linear storylines seem to have worked in bringing RPG to life for so many.

One thing I found a pleasant distraction in FF (later series) was the side stories/games - anyone manage to get all the card set from 'Triple Triad'?

June 26th, 2004, 13:31
I just think too many people of the playstation generation are impressed by FMV, call me a cretin if you must for not appreciating the complex storyline but I'd much rather be interacting with a game than watching it, I also thing it's far better to use the in-game engine for cut scenes and endings otherwise it looks too disjointed. Ocarina of Time is an example of how well this can work. I prefer action RPGs like the Zelda series in comparison to stat based RPGs anyway really, that said I thoroughly enjoyed Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (prepares to be flamed by hardcore "true" FF fans).

June 26th, 2004, 16:43
Hmm another post where people bash something they don't like. Do I like every game u like? Probably not, do i go and make posts "so and so sucks" no. Liking ff has nothing to do with fmv, and the fact the magic attacks are long really has nothing to do with it being a movie. What exactly do you want to be doind during the magic attacks, pressing the buttons 1000 times. Besides ff has always been turnbased, square made plenty of other rpgs that had more interaction and varied greatly from ff. If you don't liked turn based games don't play them. Btw by calling zelda an rpg that really shows how much you know about video games. Each type of game appeals to different gamers and each games individuality is what it makes it good. I can enjoy a turnbased game like ff and an actoin rpg like secret of mana. Using in game cut scenes is ok but for certain scenes it whould never reach the level of emotion, atmosphere and absorbotion as fmv especially for pre next generation systems that graphics engines where very limited. The slaying and killing of aeris in ff7 and the destruction of the plane and other scenes whould have looked silly using the in game engine and whould have not convayed the same sort of emotion and story telling that square wanted. Now that video games graphics engines are up to par and have more flexibilty fmv is uses less and less. Really I don't even understand why you are talking and bashing ff games when you said you never really liked stat based rpgs in the first place. Lastly people that liked psx games caused they like rpgs is bs, they liked it cause it had many of the developers that made the snes great, many great games of a many genres. From rpgs, to 2d shooters, lightgun games, racing games, etc.

June 26th, 2004, 17:53
i'm not bashing i'm purely giving my opinion, i'm not hoping to change the opinion of someone who likes the series, hell if someone enjoys it good for them... and how exactly would you describe the Zelda series of games then other than an "action RPG", Zelda was arguably the first ever RPG- just because it doesn't involve reading through 15 minutes of text or 2 hours of FMV does not mean it can't be an RPG.

I also completely disagree with you saying that a game can never get the level of absorbtion without FMV, if thats the only way a developer can get your attention then they don't understand the limitations of the hardware and need to get more imagination. Take a game like Jet Set Radio, not a bit of FMV in sight but the cut scenes are brilliant and have a lot of style, Shenmue and Ocarina of time the same. Half the time FMV is just used to shift units by sticking the video on loop in dixons and to make pretty screenshots for magazines, with people thinking the in-game graphics will be the same.

June 27th, 2004, 01:59
the problem with rpg and rpg adventure is that you have to re - invent the wheel everytime you make a reincarnation of it. hence the evolution of zelda and FF. so it's really impossible to compare in a debate unless you specifically give your frame of reference as well as your personal bias -before- making a statement with a pro or con attitude=== If you get me. final fantasy is one of those series that everyone has a favorite. and everyone's favorite is their favorite for different reasons. ergo the reason why people such as myself hate ff8 while other FF fans love it and hate ff6.
As far as Zelda goes..... there hasn't been a truly interesting Zelda game since link to the past. period.
and metroid kicks ass

June 27th, 2004, 02:37
why is everyone complaining about the fact that someone has put down ff. surely this is the whole point in a forum - to argue for and against and to get everbodies opinion on the subject.

June 27th, 2004, 03:41
zelda 4 for the gameboy is definitely one of the best Zelda games :P i do prefer the 2d ones to the 3d ones if i'm honest but these have also all been excellent (lets forget majora's mask shall we) ;)

June 27th, 2004, 09:36
See, Id much rather an important piece of story was shown to me in full cinematic FMV, than the stale stuff even today's modern engines end up pulling off. It's alot nicer to look at, and I dont believe it feels disjointed.

There are alot of videogame purists around who cant stand to see videogames mixing with other forms of media (like movies) and it fustrates me.

June 27th, 2004, 10:15
the subject says it all, crap


June 27th, 2004, 10:43
the subject says it all, crap


Great example of totally worthless bashing there ^

June 27th, 2004, 11:07
it can't be avoided

June 27th, 2004, 13:17

June 27th, 2004, 15:27
i agree with you guys that 2d gaming is surely missed.you know thanks to emulation i can go back to that whenever i want.and yes this 3d stuff does tick me off cuz the creators have abanoned 2d alltogether......

June 27th, 2004, 15:48
1) Some of us prefer linear games. I honestly cant stand games that are completely blow wide open and give me a million ways to complete everything.

That's why I play classics or short games like Star Fox Adventures (even though it still took me a year to complete). *I don't play games much....even though I've caught myself playing MOH: Allied Assault every Saturday for a few hours at a time.

Don't get me wrong; *I love me some Zelda :D

My take on FF: VII - it was a bit over-rated. *The thing that really bothered me was the ghetto stereotype of the only black character I've seen in a RPG (I'm forgetting a cool PSX game in a high school setting somewhat...something Tensei in Japan...). *The crude language spewd by Barrett and the other excuses to say swear words in the game made it look like the script was written by a 15 year old. *Ridiculous...

But I still love me some Zelda. *Bitch.


June 28th, 2004, 02:48
thats because so many black people act like that instead of being normal. dont get me wrong im not a racist but i cant stand this gangsta shite. they just give the good black people a bad name - like victor off big brother if your from uk.

June 28th, 2004, 05:48
thats because so many black people act like that instead of being normal.

Wow, what a bold statement. *Maybe you should word that better.

Anyhoot, to piss off everyone, the only reason "many black people act like that" is because white people accept it. *I'm tired of seeing commercial or listening to the radio and hearing a white person say "fishizzle, my nizzle" when basically they are saying "blah blah blah, my ******". *I'm tired of seeing tv shows like "Method & Red", and I'm tired of seeing movies with these ****in' tokens.

And what really pissed me off for a long time but no one seem to care is the fact that DC Emulation.Com thought it was ok for some fool to name himself "WhiteNigga". *I can't be the only black person who visit these sites but evidently I'm the only black person who says anything. *Funny, because people usually label me as an "Uncle Tom" but they have no idea on who I am. *I love this world.

Then again, biagrin, thanks for pissing me off with that statement. *I won't hold it against you, though. *It's not your fault this world is completely ignorant.

Mods can delete this entire post if you feel. I know you are probably going to be sensitive talking about race. The entire world is, and that's part of the problem.

June 28th, 2004, 06:29
I heard a story that a lot of people called in to complain when a japanese anime show (might have been sailor moon) when a black character featured in the show aparently it just didn't look natural... pink hair is fine but black skin just looks TOO weird. I think the problem is in Japan there are VERY few black or white people and so the few import movies or TV shows they get with black people in are usually big hollywood flicks with over the top black stereotypes, basically any teen movie.

Without getting too deep into this and going too far off topic i completely sympathise wh, white people tend to automatically associate the troublemaker hood stereotype to black kids and black kids figure they've already been tagged with the label so why not stick with it, rather than try double hard to prove themselves to these people.

and because of this we get Tom's hotdog stand, with token ghetto blaster... and if you wanna see an rpg with a bunch of black characters : http://www.ben-hosier.com/wheresben/ ;)

June 28th, 2004, 07:06
who the f**k are you calling ignorant? i was agreeing you storminator. it seems that you are touchy to if you managed to get pissed of by a statement which was supporting you.

Cap'n 1time
June 28th, 2004, 08:29
It's not your fault this world is completely ignorant.

He didnt, and hes right. If people would think before they act or speak, the world would be a better place.

Back to the main topic. Of the rpg's Tactic RPG's have to be my favorite. I like all the 2D zelda games INCLUDING LINKS ADVENTURE. I don see why so many people hate zelda 2, it was cool.
Tactics rpg's are cool because they give you controll of many characters and are often a challenge. Lately GBA has been getting in the rpg stratagy mood which is cool. I really think that RPG's just need a new system or somthing. Zelda 4 swords looks cool, and it requires a new type of rpg that hasnt been done before. Same with Mario And Luigi super star or whatever. Great RPG's. Custom Robo also has a very unique game type. The same old rpg systems have just gotten old. Time to try somthing differant in my oppinion. Can anyone else name so unique rpgs? EDIT: How could I forget Skies of Arcadia!

June 28th, 2004, 08:36
What I hate about about FF and most RPG's is the lame turn-based battle systems.

I find it retarded that you have to take turns, why can't you just duke it out?

I never played the Phantasy Star games cause of that, yet, I really enjoy PSO cause you can just walk up to any monster and kill them at will. That's why I consider the Wonder Boy/Monster World series the best RPG series ever, cause apart from the fact that the games kick major proportions of arse, you can just kill enemies at will, yet still have the story, still have to talk to people and all that kind of thing you do in RPGs. Shenmue is much the same, but Shenmue is far more than just an RPG, but essentially it is.

What also bothers me, is why people think you need a good story to make a good game? When I was a 7 year old playing Wonder Boy 3 on my Master System, I didn't even know the game had a story, I was enjoying killing monsters and getting better armour and finding secrets. I didn't care that Monster World needed me to save them.

June 28th, 2004, 10:15
yes i agree about the turn based system i prefer to get stuck in

Cap'n 1time
June 28th, 2004, 15:21
I cant really imagine an RPG without a good story... Thats just kind of wierd.

June 28th, 2004, 19:16
and because of this we get Tom's hotdog stand, with token ghetto blaster... and if you wanna see an rpg with a bunch of black characters : http://www.ben-hosier.com/wheresben/ ;)

/me supports the shameless plug.

who the f**k are you calling ignorant? i was agreeing you storminator. it seems that you are touchy to if you managed to get pissed of by a statement which was supporting you.

First of all, no need to get hostile about it, I'm not mad. But you have to realize how offensive "thats because so many black people act like that instead of being normal" statement sort of rubbed me the wrong way. I have a complex about it because I believe everyone not from the U.S. only associate "African Americans" (I hate that term) is with the roles played by actors from our stupid American movies. I'm probably not far from my assumption because I see kids in other countries (like Japan..look at Jet Set Radio) embracing everything "hip hop". It bothers the hell out of me.

June 28th, 2004, 20:21
allright this topic is officially going nowhere....fast...
everyone has said their peice and it's time to drop it

June 29th, 2004, 01:52
allright this topic is officially going nowhere....fast...
everyone has said their peice and it's time to drop it


June 29th, 2004, 02:20
theres no need to drop anything cos we are not slagging each other off. okay fair enough the normal statement wasnt meant to sound like that. i understand what your problem is with this stereotype cos in england its the same problem here - everybody black has always got to be this hip hop wise cracking jive talker. i dont know many black people but i do know one and the only way i can describe him is as a gentleman. i know your touchy but you do have to give or take a little. i dont know what its like in america same way you probably dont know what its like in england (ill have to tell you sometime) so i dont dont know the things you have to put up with in american culture the same way you dont know the crap i have to put up with in british culture. people are people and not black white or whatever. you are you i am me and everyone is evryone

July 9th, 2004, 13:54
hey ok my ten cents, my two cents his free

I like FF which include I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,XI

I don't like seven its story is wack and its vastly overrated
I don't like Nine because of a couple reasons
1) they said the crystal was back and that is a liar liar pants of fire situation, it showed up at the end, I don't know why it was even there

2) I don't like the charcters or there desiegn its all not realistic

3) finally (hahaha *not pun indeded) it just didn't understand the story maybe my brain is not devolped enough

I despise FF10 for a couple of the same reasons
1) I don't get the story
2) characters are lame
3) they made a sequal to a Final
4) tidus is gay ( i got nothing against the quire folk, but i like a main character be to a strong warrior, not a Bltch a$$ orphan who complains about how his daddy never hugged him
5) wakka throws a ball how is that a weapon i

As for the whole turnbased fight mode well it started from table-top rpgs where you take turns
hey it was a board game, and if everyone goes without turns I would have 7 hotels on boardwalk and parkplace by now, that don't make good board games

but FFXI is a little different go up two a monster start wailing on him

as for the cutscenes yeah in ff ten and ten-two the have a lot a cutscene, but at least i don't have to read, i am lazy
i don't know about you but on FF8 i used a turbo controller so i missed some key points to the story

X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X :D

is I jus don't get or understand the stories and the parts I do, I don't like

July 9th, 2004, 16:56
Hey I love the Series as much as everyone else but 10-2 is a flaming homosexual they killed sin what are they killing this time atari spaceships..... this is so gay I think this is the gayest game in the sereis so go to hell.