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View Full Version : i might be gone for the next few days or so...

November 1st, 2006, 21:33
well remember when my great-grandma died

beta testers sorry but the beta will have to wait to sunday octobor 1st cause my great grandma died yesterday:( :( :( :( and i have to fly to philly to go to the funeral so i wont be able to work on it

now my grandma is dying of colon cancer(not my greatgrandma, just my grandma). I will be saying my final goodbyes to her because she is not expected to live very long:( :( :(

its not been a great couple mounths for me

but here is some good news, star wars v1.0 will be relesed not this saturday but the next.

November 1st, 2006, 22:07
That's so sad and depressing. :(
It must be very hard for you. Take your time with the projects, even a break..

November 1st, 2006, 22:08
Sorry to hear that bro,many sympathies...