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View Full Version : MarcaDS V3.0 WIP - Arcade Emulator for the DS

November 2nd, 2006, 01:48
Alekmaul (http://www.portabledev.com/) has posted some WIP news of his Arcade emulator for the DS:

Heres the crappy google translation

In this day fériée, small a news on MarcaDS:)

This new version includes/understands a certain number of innovations like:
This new version includes updates like:
* Graphical engine is way faster (but I have to reprogram all games ><, 14 of them are already available)
* Sound in lots of game
* You can get back to the main-menu to play another game using L&R
* High-Scores are now saved
* Compatible with the latest linkers
* When will this be available ? Soon ;)

November 2nd, 2006, 01:51
google translations are crappy.

The Hombrew Hunter
November 2nd, 2006, 01:52
This new version includes/understands a certain number of nouveaut?comme:

* Do a graphic engine much faster (but I have to remake all the plays > <, 14 are D? available)

* The sound in step badly of play

* The return to the possible menu to play?n another play (via L&R)

* Safeguard of the high scores

* The compatibilit?vec the last linkers

* The disponibbilit?e this version? : bient?/strong > ;)

Thank you, Babababelfish!

November 2nd, 2006, 08:22
En cette journée fériée, une petite news sur MarcaDS :)
Cette nouvelle version comprend un certain nombre de nouveautés comme :
*Un moteur graphique beaucoup plus rapide (mais je dois refaire tous les jeux ><, 14 sont déjà disponibles)
*Le son dans pas mal de jeu
*Le retour au menu possible pour jouer à un autre jeu (via L&R)
*La sauvegarde des high scores
*La compatibilité avec les derniers linkers
*La disponibbilité de cette version ? : bientôt ;)

Com'on guys, don't you remember your French lessons ? :rolleyes:
English is not going to stay alive forever...:D
Here is my crappy translation ;)

Day-off today, some news about MarcaDS:
This new version includes updates like:
* Graphical engine is way faster (but I have to reprogram all games ><, 14 of them are already available)
* Sound in lots of game
* You can get back to the main-menu to play another game using L&R
* High-Scores are now saved
* Compatible with the latest linkers
* When will this be available ? Soon :)

November 2nd, 2006, 09:05
Yep, I think that the last translation is the good one :D

November 2nd, 2006, 09:56
Ok this will be a newbie question. I have never heard of this is it like using mame games or what:confused:

November 2nd, 2006, 10:15
Well, yes, it is like Mame but it is not Mame.
You must use some zip file that are identical than the mame rom files but with the nocompression option selected for the zip file.
All the informations are in the txt files included with MarcaDS.
You can also take a look at the V2.6 on my website : http://www.portabledev.com/pages/ds/jeuxdev.-perso/marcads.php?lang=FR

November 2nd, 2006, 10:20
Thanks alekmaul. Hope to see the release keep up the great work. Hope to play it soon.