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View Full Version : F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon Released

November 3rd, 2006, 06:32
New from Play Asia:



Action and suspense: F.E.A.R. features cinematic quality gunfights so intense they will leave the most jaded FPS fan gasping for breath.
Fierce enemies: Squads of tactical teams use coordinated attacks and flanking maneuvers to pin you down and take you out.
Cinematic FX: An advanced Special FX system showers you in sparks, smoke, and debris, making combat as intense and exhilarating as an action movie.
Hi-tech arsenal: Employ high tech firearms and classified weaponry such as the corkscrew missile launcher, rapid-fire battle cannon, and a plasma cannon capable of searing flesh from the bones of your enemies.
Advanced game technology: The latest in DirectX 9 rendering technology uses real-time per pixel lighting, shadow volumes, normal mapping, and advanced shaders to create a world so convincing you'll forget you're playing a game.
Multiplayer: With support for up to 16 players playing simultaneously, game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Elimination, Team Elimination, and Capture the Flag.

F.E.A.R.™ (First Encounter Assault Recon) is an award-winning first-person shooter featuring an intense combat experience with a rich atmosphere and an engaging story. F.E.A.R. immerses you in a unique blend of stylized first person combat and supernatural horror in which you are an elite soldier trained to deal with situations that are unexplainable.

Take on the role of the point man in the F.E.A.R. unit. Armed with hyper-sensitive reflexes, you can slow down time and experience the game's close-quarter battle sequences in vivid detail. You'll need every advantage you can get as you square off against some of the most ferocious A.I. ever seen in a game. F.E.A.R. contains both a single player campaign and multiplayer modes that are available for play through Xbox Live® or System Link play.

Price: US$ 39.90 (~21.12 GBP)

More info -> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-2pz-71-dw-49-en-84-j-70-1nxv.html

November 3rd, 2006, 19:29
and there is the a 360 version now. it is better than the PC version?

November 5th, 2006, 07:36
This game creeps me the fuk out!! I fookin hate it to pieces. Now excuse me while i go purchase it.

beetroot bertie
November 5th, 2006, 19:55
I played the demo today from Xbox live and it does a good job at creeping you out. The breif glimpses of the ghosts are very effective, especially the bit when you go down one of the ladders in the game.

November 5th, 2006, 23:39
dude, the ladders almost made me sh!t myself. lol. You turn around on it and theres that girl there, then u get to the bottom and that guy is standing there. lmao

November 9th, 2006, 22:51
Yeah I downloaded this demo because of what you guys said, totally agree, that girl is creepy!