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View Full Version : Android malware rises over 3,300 per cent in 2011

February 16th, 2012, 21:27
While malware across all platforms grows by 155 per cent.
Mobile phone attacks are showing no signs of slowing, as mobile malware has more than doubled, according to mobile security analyst Juniper Networks.
The firm examined more than 790,000 apps, across all mobile OSs to discover Android was the key victim, which received a malware attack rise of 3,325 per cent, across the last seven months of 2011.
Spyware and SMS Trojans made up most of the malware, withe 63 per cent and 36 per cent respectively. The attacks are growing in number, as hackers try to find new ways to profit from gaining access to mobile devices.
While Google's OS seems to offer free entry, Apple's iOS remains difficult to penetrate, though researchers managed to infiltrate the App Store with an unapproved app.
Additionally, 'fake installers', is the growing malware type, charging users for a pirated app, which should be cost-free, while lost phones also present easy access for crooks, according to the report.
