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View Full Version : Is PS Vita worth buying at launch?

February 19th, 2012, 21:49
In just a few days time the PlayStation Vita will be in warehouses and on store shelves and we're pensively staring off into the distance weighing up whether it's worth running down to our local store and picking one up at launch.
The case for buying one at release are pretty strong, having had one in the office for a while now we're convinced it an excellent bit of kit. In our PS Vita review (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/331102/ps-vita-review-everything-you-need-to-know-about-ps-vita/) we said Sony has managed to cram the handheld with very "Impressive technology" and created a platform that has "uncompromised control inputs". We concluded our review by saying it's "a brilliant hardcore gaming handheld".
The PlayStation Vita also has one of the better launch line-ups of all the recent console launches, and the majority of games available alongside it are reviewing very well.