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View Full Version : Mt Fuji Engine and Caelestis

November 6th, 2006, 21:03
Turkeyman (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=6924&sid=8d72a49e4662880eb20925dacbc81b4b) has posted news of an excellent new graphics engine for the PSP/PS2, heres the long post he made:

Hey people,

I just wanted to expose some stuff I've been working on for a year or 2.

Firstly, I have been working on a well defined cross platform engine for about 2 years which I call 'Mount Fuji'.

Not being happy with any existing freely available options, my goal with it was to create a fully fledged game engine which is properly optimised for each system, which doesn't rely on any typical (and often flakey) cross platform libraries.. So I hit the hardware as directly and optimally as I can on all supported platforms (which will hopefully grow to 'all' platforms)..
The logic here is that its as small and tight as I can make it while still being fully functional, and it provides a consistant interface to all aspects of the game.
Additionally, I provide an art and asset pipeline for getting data from art and asset creation packages into the game.. Since platforms ideally read optimised raw platform specific data at runtime from a platform specific game archive, there are a suite of tools to convert to system specific formats from many common source asset formats.

Its fairly well developed now. For the interested, I have placed the current interface documentation on the net here:

Or the main page:

Also of moderate interest (and I'm sure many who read this forum have already seen floating around), I've been working on a game based on my engine. You can see it here:

Its a little japanese themed action RPG style hack and slash (or at least it will be soon)..
Its coming along surprisingly well, and I've finally found some excellent art talent and its starting to come to life.
I'll hopefully release a small demo in the next little while.

And now for the crux of my post :P

As you can gather, my engine (and my game also) is a fairly ambitious task. Its moving along surprisingly well but maintaining all those platforms is becoming difficult to do on my own in what little spare time I have these days..

I wanted to find if there was anybody in the PSP and PS2 scene that would be interested in helping me maintain the platform ports. This wouldn't require too much of your time, just build the game from time to time and see if it still works properly on each platform. As I work I tend to introduce bugs that may break compilation or compatibility with one platform or another, and it would be nice to have a couple of people helping me catch these bugs..
Ideally, I'd like to find someone that can see the importance of such an offering in the homebrew scene (allowing people to easilly make commercial grade games as an alternative to simple LUA applications for example) and would help me optimise each platform aswell.
Since I dont have a lot of time anymore, I usually just get something running and move on to the next thing.. I have a list of optimisations a mile long (most of them are simple things too) that I just haven't had time to get in there.

Please dont look at this like a cop out, and looking for someone else to do my dirty work. Trust me, I'd love to do it myself, I just dont have as much time as I'd like anymore, and I'm also dividing it between engine development and my game, and I thought my engine may be of some interest to the community.

The other thing that I'd like to know is if such an offering would be of actual interest to anybody in the homebrew scene, and if they'd be keen to work on their own homebrew based on my tech?
I know a lot of programmers enjoy writing their own engine code, but I know a lot of people also just want to get their game idea up and running as quickly and easilly as possible. And I'd offer my full support here.

This would help me out in a lot of ways. Mainly, having some others working off my technology would help raise issues and problems that I hadn't considered while working on my own game, and also find bugs that slip through the cracks :P

Anyone interested in assisting me with the platform maintainance would have to have good understanding of the systems at the hardware level, however anyone with any reasonable programming experience would be good to have working on their own project, as their success would be a good reflection of the interface design.

Comments and criticism welcome. :)
Any additional details, I'd be happy to provide..

Screenshot from the PSP Version Via Comments

November 6th, 2006, 21:11
this look great!!!!

November 6th, 2006, 21:17

November 6th, 2006, 21:23
wow all i can say is holy shite......

November 6th, 2006, 21:28
I saw screens of this like a year ago lol.

November 6th, 2006, 21:51
Wraggster posted on Nov 7th (wtf 7th???):

awesome graphics on the PSP version, im sure ive seen the graphics before on a forum thread on my forums, but excellent work nonetheless :)

Should be awesome for the Homebrew scene

yea the pics may be old but still...wow :o

November 6th, 2006, 21:53
id be happy to help beta test if u need :P ill find bugs and what not , ne ways looks awesome!

November 6th, 2006, 21:57
OMG, that looks sweet

November 6th, 2006, 21:59

November 6th, 2006, 23:30
look like a terence and philip game :) sweet :)

November 6th, 2006, 23:43
:O Holy crap. Cant wait for this one.

November 7th, 2006, 01:27
Turkeyman (http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=6924&sid=8d72a49e4662880eb20925dacbc81b4b) has posted news of an excellent new graphics engine for the PSP/PS2

Just to clarify, Its not limited to PS2/PSP, it also supports PC, linux, OSX, XBox, and i have preliminary code for cube and dreamcast (if i ever find the time to get them running).

I saw screens of this like a year ago lol.

Yeah its been in the works for a long while ;)
Took me a long time to find the right people to work with on art and design.

Please feel free to leave comments on the project forum, it really helps to motivate the team :P

November 7th, 2006, 04:23
This project is looking very promising. I think it would be great if the rpg supported online play across all of the platforms.

I would be interested in helping but I don't have the skills yet. I am currently taking a course on C/C++ programming in shcool, I dont think I will be comfortable to commite to a project at least untill the end of the school year.

I also don't have the time right now with school and work.

November 7th, 2006, 08:02
Ooo PSP bump mappin :p

November 7th, 2006, 09:19
I dont think that level had any bump mapping lol, at least, I never got the bump map texture.. :p

Well I stand corrected TurkeyMan, you do post on the forums :p

November 7th, 2006, 15:22
looks great

November 7th, 2006, 17:16
This looks realy amazing can't wait for a release, good luck to the team.