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View Full Version : Shoot-'em-up heaven on DS

November 8th, 2006, 19:56
Nanostray 2 is looking real slick, and we've got the first shots to prove it

We're big fans of scrolling shoot-'em-ups, and although Nanostray on DS wasn't perfect, it's hard-as-nails bullet-dodging action was good enough to keep up hooked for a while.

Now the sequel is nearly here, and developer Shin'en has released this first batch of screenshots to show off just how nice it's looking. The good news is it seems the dev's got rid of the touch-screen operated weapon selection, which didn't work so well in the first game.

And it's looking like a top shooter to us. Giant, grab boss of death? Check. Fat lasers and nice explosions? Check. Vertically and horizontally scrolling levels? Yup. It even seems to improve on the already impressive backdrops of the original too.

With "exciting" Wi-Fi internet functions promised, (including a World Ranking system that can be accessed through the official website), we're looking forward to seeing what Nanostray 2 has up it's sleeve.

The game is still without a publisher or release date, but more info is due in coming weeks.

Screens & news at CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=148865&skip=yes)

November 8th, 2006, 23:35
nanostray is hard.

November 8th, 2006, 23:42
I couldn't stand Nanostray past 3 levels because of that touchscreen nonsense, good to hear they did away with that, it looks like Nanostray 2 will be the first viable shooter on the DS, at least that I know of, maybe they have a few in the Japanese region?

November 9th, 2006, 01:39
I usually just ended up picking the Electricty beam and blowing my way through the game, it was hard at first but with a beam that locks on you dont have to pay attention to where your aiming :p I ended up beating the game eventually