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View Full Version : Im bored Does someone want a kirby sig?

November 10th, 2006, 02:37
im bored pretty much so does sum1 want a sig to put in there name? i do kirbys a lot and id rather not do something else so like yeah who wants a SIG?

P.S. i wont put my name in the picture but if youre feeling nice you can put meh name in your sig :p

if nobody wants a kirby sig then u dont need to talk ya know

and it would be very mean to no use the sig i make for you though :p

November 10th, 2006, 02:43
I do if its not real bright.. like dark kirby or shadow kirby whteva hes called.. go on ur msn...

Wanna hear my home made kirby song:
Im a little puff ball
Short and stout
Here is my hand
And here is my toes
When i get all puffed up hear me shout

lol im not sure how kirby does the noise when hes suckin pepz im lol

November 10th, 2006, 03:01
What is it with you and Kirby. He does look delicious though.....

November 10th, 2006, 03:06
i think kirby is cool and hes not some psycho killer plus he doesnt symbolize death like many of your guys sigs

November 10th, 2006, 03:08
Dammit did u see i whanted a sig...GOD....

November 10th, 2006, 03:08
thats the beauty of every one's sigs they resemble the end

kirby does look delicious. his happy go lucky attitude makes me so angry

i dont even use sig pics any more i think the avitar is enough to define me

November 10th, 2006, 03:28
dude im on msn right now...plus im making ure sig please be patient with me :(

November 10th, 2006, 03:39
Send me a im cause it wont let me send u one...

November 10th, 2006, 03:56
ok im done you can set THIS as your sig i hope you like it!

Ive remade with a gothic like font LOOOKY!

November 10th, 2006, 03:59
Dats some ****in nice shizit... can u change the name too like a gothic type tho???

November 10th, 2006, 04:01
i dunno dont dl it yet though its 150 by 500 i need to resize it sorry bout dat

November 10th, 2006, 04:03
ok np... now i need a cool avitar...

November 10th, 2006, 05:15
I am still taking requests yaknow!

November 10th, 2006, 08:02
I just had a bunch of kirbys and they tasted great. Oh my bad i thought kirbys where pink marshmellows. Lmfao

November 10th, 2006, 16:06
why does everyone think of eating kirby??

November 10th, 2006, 16:14
Tetris999, Your sig size is over 25 KB's :)

November 10th, 2006, 16:22
I would love a kirby sig, he's puffy like a marshmellow! Make it all like the Snes kirby

November 10th, 2006, 16:53
Tetris what editor u using?

You shoulda posted this in the Art/Design area

You entering SOTM#1 check it out in Art/Design:)

November 10th, 2006, 18:04
wow malkster now tat was mean well i better go back to editing now

holy crap im a dumass i used bmp instead of jpeg ha ha so like a snes sig? with snes kirby? ok ill do that

sotm? wats dat ill see to it

All done snesrox i hope yeh use it :p

November 11th, 2006, 23:17
those sigs look pretty nice Tetris999 ;)

i would like one myself, if you dont mind that is :)

November 11th, 2006, 23:27
i think yours does too

November 12th, 2006, 01:14
Would you make me one?
An avitar too if you have the time to spare. :)

November 12th, 2006, 06:12
oh dont like ures? well tell me what i shud make

November 12th, 2006, 19:51
something with a psp :)

I may not use it because im starting to use photoshop (today is my second day ;))

But if you do make me one it will be greatly appreciated

November 12th, 2006, 21:34
i dont want my time to go to waste y'know how bout you make a sig and iif ur enot happy with it ill make yeh 1

November 12th, 2006, 22:25
fair 'nuff :)

Lets just forget about this thread...;)

November 12th, 2006, 22:55
it's awsome, great job on it, thanks a lot!:)