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View Full Version : UAE4ALL Alpha Preview

September 21st, 2004, 20:39
Today, my first alpha release of UAE (Amiga emulator) for Dreamcast:

- Runs Amiga 500 games (70-90% speed).
- Mouse emulation with analog pad.
- Joystick emulation with digital pad.
- No virtual keyboard (works dreamcast keyboard).
- No entry menu or main menu.
- No swap disk images.
- No sound.


Toast to root cd:
- 1st_read.bin (scrambled bin).
- kick.rom : amiga bios renamed.
- df0.adf : Floppy disk image.


September 21st, 2004, 20:40

great ;)


September 21st, 2004, 23:55
wow chui, amazing progress! Maybe next you can take last release source of genesis plus for dc and make it better!
The source is here:

Here's what's wrong with it:
- Everything's output to the center sound channel
- The sound mixing is completely wrong
- Only one of the two FM channels is playing. For some reason, channel 0 is either not playing, or the sound data isn't being copied.
- The sound keeps screwing up. Either the sound output keeps catching up with the playback, or the playback is catching up with the sound output. I have no way to tell which is happening

Basically, I can't debug it. If I can't debug it, I can't fix it. I always have this problem with sound streaming stuff. I don't know why, but I can never get sound streaming to work properly, mostly because I can't see what's wrong with it.

When it does work (when the playback position and the writing position aren't overlapping) it sounds pretty good, if you can ignore the fact that half the FM sound is missing...

If someone else wants to have a go at it, feel free. It requires a version of KOS with SPU DMA. I'm using 1.3.x incr 133.

September 22nd, 2004, 00:24
Wow excellent release Chui :)

September 22nd, 2004, 02:20
Animo CHUI. You're the KING.
Nice tryout, keep working on
see ya

September 22nd, 2004, 02:46
Oh my god Chui, You've outdone yourself this time :o

Thank you!

September 22nd, 2004, 03:01
You are GOD!! I have ordered a keyboard and just can't wait to transform my DC into a atariST and amiga!!!

September 22nd, 2004, 03:13
Hey man, you make my dreams come true! AMIGA on DC! wow! i cant believe.

Just tested first game: Ruff `n` Tumble, it runs but after screen with PARADOX CRACKED make a pink freeze. Well maybe in next release.
FILE BROWSER IS NEEDED! and swapable disks.

September 22nd, 2004, 04:44
who likes pics ;D

September 22nd, 2004, 05:26
It was incredible to watch parasol stars pop up on my dream cast through UAE4ALL.
Thanks so much!

September 22nd, 2004, 05:28
wow this is really amazing man !!!!

keep up this good work !

September 22nd, 2004, 05:32

September 22nd, 2004, 06:35
Wow!! Great release Chui!! 8)

It is good to see this release! In adittion, the emulation speed looks amazing to be a first release! :D :D

Hopefully my 68k core will boost your work and we can see a full speed UAE4ALL. 8)

Thank you very much for your work!


September 22nd, 2004, 07:27
:o Thank u so much, Chui! This is fantastic! ;D

*hugs his dc & the dc scene*

Which M68K core are you using atm?

September 22nd, 2004, 08:00
The UAE one, I presume.

When last I looked at the UAE source, the CPU emulator was very heavily integrated into the emulator. You could take the CPU emulator out and use it in something else, but I don't think you could simply drop a new one it. Generally, it's because the Amiga needs to be emulated very accurately.

September 22nd, 2004, 09:15
its a stunning release :)

September 22nd, 2004, 09:24
Forgive my 'n00bness' but is there a guide somewhere that explains how to get the downloaded UAE4ALL file onto a DC disc?

When downloaded its a BIN file. What do I do next?

I have looked in the guides and tutorials on this site but with no luck.


September 22nd, 2004, 09:33
Forgive my 'n00bness' but is there a guide somewhere that explains how to get the downloaded UAE4ALL file onto a DC disc?

When downloaded its a BIN file. What do I do next?

I have looked in the guides and tutorials on this site but with no luck.


Put the file on CD (multisession reccomend) then add the kickstart 1.3 renamed as kick.rom and some kind image disk of game renamed as df0.adf. All files burn and run 1st_read.bin with dc hakker or demomenu

September 22nd, 2004, 11:32
I quite pleased to see both the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga being emulated on the DC. Hopefully I'll be able to try both of them once I can resurrect my DC :(

As for increasing the (already great) speed, I'd always found Fellow to be faster; even though it hasn't been updated as much as WinUAE...

Sources can be found at http://www.emuxhaven.net/amiga.shtml

September 22nd, 2004, 11:38
Fellow relies on X86 assembly in places I think. That was one of the reasons why it was so much faster than UAE. This would be much harder to port.

September 22nd, 2004, 12:22
I just posted an SBI of this over at Sbiffy! but I haven't tested it yet.

September 22nd, 2004, 13:36
The UAE one, I presume.

When last I looked at the UAE source, the CPU emulator was very heavily integrated into the emulator. You could take the CPU emulator out and use it in something else, but I don't think you could simply drop a new one it. Generally, it's because the Amiga needs to be emulated very accurately.Well at least they would have a good starting point, and perhaps Stef and Fox could help them integrate a different core. Just seeing it running is amazing though!

September 22nd, 2004, 15:14
excellent, I just hope Chui finishes the ST emu before concentrating on the Amiga.. The ST one is so close to being perfect *;D

I love the Amiga, but It would be a shame not to finish the ST emu before really getting stuck into the Amiga Emu as the Amiga will be a more complicated beast.

September 22nd, 2004, 19:17
Fellow relies on X86 assembly in places I think. That was one of the reasons why it was so much faster than UAE. This would be much harder to port.

The mysterious Coagulus returns...

I pay attention to some of you way too much. :P

September 22nd, 2004, 19:31
Very intresting release.

September 23rd, 2004, 01:59
Put the file on CD (multisession reccomend) then add the kickstart 1.3 renamed as kick.rom and some kind image disk of game renamed as df0.adf. All files burn and run 1st_read.bin with dc hakker or demomenu

Thanks for the help

I grabbed DCHakker and converted the cdi with cdi2nero, I renamed Kickstart to 'kick.rom' and an adf of Speedball2 to 'df0.adf' and burned all these files to a multisession CD following your instructions. I then tried to load this with Utopia boot CD but it didnt work :(

Any idea where I went wrong? I followed these instructions also


Sorry for being a pain in the arse, Im probably doing something wrong thats really obvious :-[

September 23rd, 2004, 02:11
The mysterious Coagulus returns...

I pay attention to some of you way too much. :P

I'm always lurking.... *;) People tend to beat me to the replies though!

I'm extremely happy about ST and Amiga being on my DC though! Excellent work!

September 23rd, 2004, 03:02
Thanks for the help

I grabbed DCHakker and converted the cdi with cdi2nero, I renamed Kickstart to 'kick.rom' and an adf of Speedball2 to 'df0.adf' and burned all these files to a multisession CD following your instructions. I then tried to load this with Utopia boot CD but it didnt work :(

Any idea where I went wrong? *I followed these instructions also


Sorry for being a pain in the arse, Im probably doing something wrong thats really obvious *:-[

You dont need Utopia boot CD!

Just burn the DCHakker image to a cd-r and the amiga emulator along with the kickstart and 'df0.adf' to another cd-r. Start your DC with DCHakker then swap with the amiga cd, press "rescan" and open the .bin (the amiga emulator binary -usually 1st_read.bin)

September 23rd, 2004, 03:13
Utopia is evil!
u don't need it for any Homebrew or Emus!

September 23rd, 2004, 09:26

Ok I finally got it working :)

Thanks for the help and the patience ;D