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View Full Version : Homebrew on psp

November 11th, 2006, 11:52
Since the PS3 has been released in japan it has been revealed that sony are letting homebrew run on there PS3!:eek: Could it be in 3.00 sony are going to allow homebrew. I mean they are running out of space on the nand flash memory why not take out some of those security patches, i bet they take up some room on the nand flash memory!

What do you think?

November 11th, 2006, 12:03
dream on :)

November 11th, 2006, 12:41
I hope so

November 11th, 2006, 16:42
man this could be awsome ! playing all the homebrew on 3.00, having your favorites game to play without having to use devhook or any other thing like it ! Would be awsome !

November 11th, 2006, 17:10
I think it will happen but not on 3.00. They will wait until homebrew on PS3 gets popular and there is a larger demand from casual gamers to have homebrew. This will be awesome though because then we won't really need firmware updates and Sony could just add features onto the memory stick. The browser could be taken out of the flash and so could the secuirty updates and possibly other stuff. We could have some of Sony's coders working on homebrew and that would be ridiculous. In fact, their coders probably have worked on homebrew for themselves.