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View Full Version : Wii Channels to Require Upgrade

November 11th, 2006, 16:30

IGN's final retail Wii system arrived at the office this morning, and we have been delving into the beauty of this mysterious new console ever since. After booting up the system and entering our system settings, we were shocked to discover that although we could see the different Wii channels, we could not access those that needed an Internet connection without an initial upgrade.

It seems that the Wii needs this upgrade in order to be able to connect to the Weather, News or Shop Channels. Unfortunately, when we tried to run this upgrade, we were treated to an error screen informing us that our Wii was unable to connect to the network. It seems that, prior to launch, the Wii will not have access to any of the channels or applications that require the user to connect to Nintendo's network. That's bad news for those of you out there intent on getting a Wii before November 19.

This revelation came as a shock and a disappointment to many at IGN, as it would have been nice to download some classic games for the Virtual Console. We will keep you posted on any later developments.

November 11th, 2006, 17:52

They're a shower of idiots! We all know the Wii don't go live until Nov 19th, so why are they so shocked? They have zelda, what more do they want? So unappreciative sometimes.


November 11th, 2006, 17:59
That's just plain bad luck then.

November 11th, 2006, 19:08
wtf thats like being shocked that theres no internet before computers are made.

November 11th, 2006, 19:32
who the hell is going to have it "before" the 19th anyway?!

i cant beleive this was even reported.. whoopy doo, it wont work till release date! what did they expect?

its like trying to use ur phone till it gets switched on :)

ive mind preordered from game int he uk, have to wait till the 8th december.. lets hope all these "bugs" are ironed out by then! lol


November 12th, 2006, 04:19
Well, figures that it wouldn't have any connection yet. And it's not an upgrade, it's a regional initialization (spelling?) that should be on the disk included and can only be set up once the internet connection is established.

I heart Nintendo
November 12th, 2006, 10:56
IGN are being pretty dumb. *lol*

I'm guessing they thought that because they're IGN, they'd have some magical connection they could use. *BOOOO!* Wrong.

Seems they have to wait like everyone else in the US. :p

November 13th, 2006, 21:51
IGN are being pretty dumb. *lol*

I'm guessing they thought that because they're IGN, they'd have some magical connection they could use. *BOOOO!* Wrong.

Seems they have to wait like everyone else in the US. :p

IGN thinks a lot of them selves, LOL! and usually they are wrong.