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View Full Version : PSP titles you won’t let go

November 11th, 2006, 21:46
Article from Boston Herald (http://theedge.bostonherald.com/lifeNews/view.bg?articleid=166536)

With the holiday shopping season inching upon us, I’ll be writing soon about Sony’s new PlayStation 3 (launching Nov. 17 for $600) and Nintendo’s new Wii (launching Nov. 19 for $250), as well as games for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 ($400). But there is yet another great gift option: Sony’s handheld PSP.

After a year and a half on the market, it’s still pricey at $250. But scores of good games come out for PSP every month. It is sort of a luxury item, but I love it. It fits in my pocket, yet the screen is splendid. Here’s a look at some classic PSP games and a few newbies.

Newish ‘‘LocoRoco” is a holy-cow game, as in, holy cow this is a cute, addictive, bizarre blast. You play as a yellow, happy blob. You roll along a cartoon land, picking up items along the way, like in ‘‘Sonic the Hedgehog” but gentler, merrier and slower. You don’t have feet to run. Instead, you press buttons to turn the world sideways, and gravity forces you to roll along. I imagine that kids, adults who aren’t allergic to cuteness and female gamers would eat this thing up. It’s rated ‘‘E.” Grade: A.

The new ‘‘Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories” and 2005’s ‘‘GTA: Liberty City Stories” may be the most entertaining games available for the PSP, if you’re into shooting people, robbing them and driving fast cars through city streets. Rated ‘‘M.” Grade: A.

‘‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’07” is the signature sports title for PSP, I think. It has lush greens, gorgeous action and swinging is easy to figure out. It’s easy at first, very difficult later on. Rated ‘‘E.” Grade: A.

This summer’s ‘‘Field Commander” is one of the most fun role-playing games I’ve played on any system, and I don’t love role-playing games. You send tanks, helicopters and soldiers along a chesslike path to beat competing armies. It’s a great brain game with nice artistic flourishes and fairly difficult. It’s rated ‘‘T.” Grade: A-.

‘‘SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo” is more ambitiously entertaining than it sounds. You go undercover and save the world from terrorists. The fun is in negotiating intricate, moderately difficult battlefields, or shooting against other gamers. Also out now is the sequel-worthy ‘‘SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2.” The original is rated ‘‘M,” the sequel ‘‘T.” Grade: A.

Full Article (http://theedge.bostonherald.com/lifeNews/view.bg?articleid=166536)

November 11th, 2006, 21:54
I still think 2 of the BEST games i've played on the psp

Midnight Club 3 : Dub Edition - amazing psp title. Ridiculious amount of custimization on the cars. I love the open ended cities, drive anywhere.

Medal Of Honor : Heroes - 32 player online! AWESOME! Great Graphics, awesome multiplayer, fun campaign.

November 11th, 2006, 21:55
Uh - field commander is a role playing game? R-right.

Then again, I thought it was a pixelated rip off of "Advance Wars" - and not a very good rip off at that Which was too bad - it had a lot of potential.

November 11th, 2006, 22:18
No Killzone Liberation? No Medal of Honor? What kind of newspaper is the Boston Herald?

November 11th, 2006, 22:28
Where's Sonic Rivals?

November 11th, 2006, 22:35
Uh - field commander is a role playing game? R-right.

Then again, I thought it was a pixelated rip off of "Advance Wars" - and not a very good rip off at that Which was too bad - it had a lot of potential.

Lol I doubt whoever wrote that article knows wtf they're talking about. Sony prolly paid them to write that article. Boston Globe > Herald.

November 11th, 2006, 22:36
I agree with their choice of LocoRoco. It is such a simple idea but so fun. Who knew gravity and colored blobs could be so much fun? Japanese designers of course.

November 11th, 2006, 22:37
Where's Sonic Rivals?

Yeah, that too. Those are some good/ok games, but there are definately more to add to that list.

November 11th, 2006, 22:40
scores of good games come out for PSP every month


more like "every few months, a game comes out that's worth about an hours gameplay....."

November 11th, 2006, 23:16
hasn't PS3 launch be pushed until march or is it march in the UK?

November 11th, 2006, 23:31
I agree with their choice of LocoRoco. It is such a simple idea but so fun. Who knew gravity and colored blobs could be so much fun? Japanese designers of course.

I agree, though I'm pretty sure Loco Roco was developed in Europe ;)

My favorite game has gotta be Street Supremacy. Realistic street racing with tons of customization, licensed cars and highways realistically based off their Japanese counterparts. It's an extension of the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series.

November 12th, 2006, 06:40
wheres tekken?

November 12th, 2006, 17:27
Yeah, I'm with everyone else. Those aren't the only good PSP games. Not all of those are even all that great, like that Tiger Woods game. Field Commander's a turn-based strategy game, not a roleplaying game, and it's just a crappy rip-off of Advance Wars that only supports two players instead of four.
Medal of Honor DEFINITELY needs to be up there, having the best portable online shooter multiplayer you could ever get.

November 12th, 2006, 19:12
I think this was referring to previously released games that can't be let go of. SO I would have to say Hot Shots Golf, Tekken DR, Y's Ark of Napishtim, & Lemmings are a few that I can always pick up and play no matter how old they are.