View Full Version : DCaSTaway Alpha03r5 Released

January 1st, 1970, 01:00
Ron & Chui have just gave me thier newest release of DCaSTaway the first and only AtariST emulator for the Dreamcast, heres the news from this release:[br][br] 100% speed[br]0 frameskipping[br]SOUND in this release[br]16 bit blitter 320*240 16 colour[br] supporting msa & zip files [br][br]Also this release can work in Chankast too:[br][br] [br]unscramble the 1st_read.bin[br]put into chankast folder , the 1st_read.bin rom diskb[br]load the emu with chankast[br]chankast -file castaway.bin[br]chankast -file: dcastway[br] [br][br]Try this release for your self, download Here (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/dcastaway.shtml) and leave feedback for the authors in the official DCaSTaway Forum (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=dcastaway) [br][br]*UPDATE*[br][br]New release by Ron & Chui :), go to the DCaSTaway page for the download :)

[Modified 09/19/04 19:15:08 by DCEmu_Newsposter]

September 19th, 2004, 19:05
i would like to know how many roms can be put on a cd for this emu?

September 19th, 2004, 19:40
now, dcastaway only show first 1024 files per directory.

September 20th, 2004, 04:04
congrats guys! very very good work. I am gonna try right now the 20-09 build, hope everything goes ok. I would be glad if I can offer some help to your project!

September 20th, 2004, 06:03
yeah great stuff, oh and btw, roms is not the correct term, as they're floppy disk images :D (so you can even make your own disk images if you have st disks)

September 20th, 2004, 08:15
ok i just tested this version, and heres my Â*notices about it;

-first speed is up, and its easy to feel the diffrence
-in file browser thers no any button to go lower directory? because when you enter to any dir. theres no trick to comeback to root.
-there will be usefull a refresh or rescan button in file browser!
-is there any combination to turn off the visualation of keyboard? cause this make a 1/4 screen lower
-emu support zip, st and more file format BUT he cant open them (it means he see the file, but when you run its not working). DISK IMAGE ONLY WORK WHEN IS WITH NO EXTENSION.

Oh one more thing - the music is working but no in every game.

September 20th, 2004, 08:42
Oh okay now i am almost getting smart with this emu. You must download a floppy image (which is a game) and rename it to DISKA in order to run. So if i put that as DISKA and have other disk images on my CD using DC hakker i dont have to name them under a DISK name right and i can play any floppy image?

September 20th, 2004, 08:50
Oh okay now i am almost getting smart with this emu. You must download a floppy image (which is a game) and rename it to DISKA in order to run. Â*So if i put that as DISKA and have other disk images on my CD using DC hakker i dont have to name them under a DISK name right and i can play any floppy image?

yeah, only rename the file with no extension nb. 'giana', 'swos' or sth else. Remember one word = no extension

September 20th, 2004, 10:38
yeah, only rename the file with no extension nb. 'giana', 'swos' or sth else. Remember one word = no extension

why the autor dont chage this ? i tink that is not so hard...

September 20th, 2004, 10:55
congrats guys! very very good work. I am gonna try right now the 20-09 build, hope everything goes ok. I would be glad if I can offer some help to your project!

hey elefas !!! how are u man ?

do u remenber me ?

September 20th, 2004, 11:46
OK come on finding bugs, we need that info, GREAT WORK ALL TESTERS.

September 20th, 2004, 17:30
hey elefas !!! how are u man ?

do u remenber me ?

hi arqueiro! I've been missing quite long for summer holidays (no pc) and when got back something has changed to dcemulation forums (ian, ian where are you?... Glad to find old pals on this forum!

September 20th, 2004, 18:37
i do everything you sayd but no games load :-/... i use selfboot, but the emulator run so ... i don t think it was the cause : ( , i put the tos in ROM , no extension , DISKA , and some games with no extension too ... i have the file manager but i can t start a game ... :'(

September 21st, 2004, 03:22
i do everything you sayd but no games load Â*:-/... i use selfboot, but the emulator run so ... i don t think it was the cause : ( , i put the tos in ROM , no extension , DISKA , and some games with no extension too ... i have the file manager but i can t start a game ... Â*:'(

In which format are these disks? Did you try to unpack them? The best way to test this emu is to put all files on multisession cd and run with demomenu/dchakker

September 21st, 2004, 05:37
You now keep the extensions on for the disk images.

Do not Have a DISKA on the Disc, but you need a DISKB (No extentions).

I unzipped the disc images as I dint have much lucjk with them zipped. Its loaded 98% of Â*the discs I tried. (MSA and ST format). Also Place tehm all in the main DIR as Directories dont allow you to goto the parent.

Im really impressed with the speed, its pretty much full speed with sound. Some games are too fast so Chui needs to look at throttleing the speed. :)

Also It would eb good to have the Virtual Keyboard no be on screen when its not used as it makes some games unplayable as it covers teh bottom part of the screen. Also Can you have

X = Left mouse Button
Y = Right mouse button

Also When selecting an image to load, can you make it so triggers page down a list? Also can it remeber where you were when you loded teh image, so you dont have to move all the way throught eh list of images.

Another needed addition will be to allow disks to be added (Disk B, C, D etc) this will sort out multiple disk games.

Brilliant emu. Guys. Look forward to the refinements

September 21st, 2004, 08:19
Here is a problem i had. The emulator ran selecting the tos image would restart and put me back to the DC hakker menu and same as selecting the game. Would this have to do with using DISKA instead of DISKB?

September 21st, 2004, 09:49
on cd root must be a DISKB file, and ROM file (TOS) if you have them, maybe try to use the demomenu (dchakker has tendency to reset when booting)

September 21st, 2004, 14:54
with the lastest release, you don't need anymore diska or diskb in the sfw directory, you can load it from menu.
Also you can DL PC x86 release with cygwin1.dll and SDL.dll too. It's Obvious where to catch it !!!!
Remember that windozze version is a port from DC to PC. Have nice time !!!!

September 21st, 2004, 14:57
M@jk, you're doing a great work, man.
Beta tester #1. Thanks a lot for your comments, We'll take in the go....

September 21st, 2004, 15:01

We'll take too in count.

September 21st, 2004, 15:04
Here is a problem i had. Â*The emulator ran selecting the tos image would restart and put me back to the DC hakker menu and same as selecting the game. Â*Would this have to do with using DISKA instead of DISKB?

I just wish yo help you, so.. please, post your needs here , as fast you do it i'll be able to answer quickly. What I want is get your feedback using the emu, feel free to ask whatever you need. I also hope others can contribute for saving me sometime !!! here we are !!!!

September 21st, 2004, 15:40
what about on future version we have aceess to the vmu file system ? like a "HD" to we save files from games / aplications is possible implement this ??

keep up this good work !

September 21st, 2004, 16:12
i thought it might be nice to have the vmu act like another floppy disk.

September 21st, 2004, 19:51
i think use vmu for saving changes of floppy disks (only changes and zip compress) like a option menu.

September 22nd, 2004, 06:17
i think use vmu for saving changes of floppy disks (only changes and zip compress) like a option menu.

sure ! this will be really cool :P

September 22nd, 2004, 09:21
I am going to check out Demo Menu to see if it will fix my problem if it dont work one of these days i will go back to it and it will work i always do this with emus and things that didnt work for me like Apple II

September 22nd, 2004, 12:44
you still havn't got it working eric?

on the root of your cd, you should have
rom (which is your renamed tos.img)
diskb (i have a blank diskb image, that was a .st image, works fine)

And your diskimages for disk a, (they didn't work in directories for me, so i put them all in the root, which is fine)

Remember no extension eg. A_025.st becomes A_025

September 26th, 2004, 01:44
Loading ST-Disks with extensions isn't a problem
You have to make sure, it's in ST-format (not msa or stt) and NOT zipped.

However, I found a bug in the emu, that seems to present in UAE4ALL, too :
When a 2nd controller is plugged in, the emu crashes, as soon as you try to load a disk.

The mouse-emu (with analog stick) seems to be buggy as well (not so bad like UAE, but still not "smooth")

Chui, could you please make high-res availabe (I know, it will look bad on TV, but there are a few games, that need it (e.g. "Ballerburg")