View Full Version : Nokia reveals plans to compete with cheap Android devices

March 9th, 2012, 22:36
Last year, Nokia left its Symbian OS behind and moved to Windows to power its future devices in order to fight its way back into the smartphone market and capture high end users.
However, while Nokia has decided to go premium, there are a rising number of Android devices on the market at affordable prices, which are becoming adopted by the low end users that Nokia regards as its bread and butter.
Speaking of the new threat in its annual report, Nokia, says: "We are addressing this with our planned introductions in 2012 of smarter, competitively priced feature phones with more modern user experiences."
Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/08/us-nokia-idUSBRE8270YP20120308) cites sources that say Nokia is enhancing its Linux-based software with a new version codenamed Meltemi, replacing its Series 40 tech in advanced feature phones to enable them with smartphone-like functions.
WIth regard to its Windows strategy, Nokia, said: "We plan to introduce and bring to markets new and more affordable Nokia products with Windows Phone in 2012, such as the Nokia Lumia 610."
