View Full Version : Vita Hack: a new PSP exploit found!

March 11th, 2012, 23:45
via http://wololo.net/wagic/2012/03/08/vita-hack-a-new-psp-exploit-found/

I honestly stopped counting how many psp “hello world” exploits in PSP games have been announced over the past months, but these exploits are getting a second life now that they symbolize a possibility for homebrews on the PS Vita.

This time it’s scener Xerpi who found an exploit, which I haven’t confirmed yet, but I should be able to give it a try sometimes this week. Will this lead to a VHBL port/release? First we need to make sure this game is actually available for the Vita. After that, only time will tell, but I’ll do my best to help

Congrats, xerpi!

Note: Let me emphasize that I am aware of several psp game exploits being available, and releasing VHBL for them or not is basically up to their authors. I’m of course offering my help to port VHBL (although my free time is limited. Porting VHBL is relatively easy, but even with some experience, from the exploit to the VHBL port it can easily take 30 hours, if you include debugging. That’s not mentioning that each game usually comes in several versions.)

Another note: you might think, seeing all these videos of exploits, that finding exploits in psp games has become super easy. This is not entirely true. I am sure that my tutorials have made these things easier, but going from a crash to a hello world still requires lots of patience and dedication.