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View Full Version : OpenArena v0.88

March 12th, 2012, 12:33
news via http://www.aep-emu.de/

OpenArena (http://www.openarena.ws/) is a free and open content package for the id tech3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id_Tech_3) GPL source code. This vesion has been released in February.

- Mac is back!
- Two new single player campaign tiers
- New maps:

- New player model: Neko.
- Specular maps have been added to many player and weaponsmodels. These can be disabled by turning off detail textures.
- Invulnerability powerup and effects
- Grappling hook model, shader, and sounds
- Angelyss, Gargoyle have been reanimated
- Liz and SMarine animation glitches fixed
- Music
- Many of the old maps got entity tweaks, gametype unlocking and other fixes.
- Benchmark demo
- Fixed TEAMMATE kill message bug.
- Prevent team changing and disconnect from changing team score in Team Deathmatch.
- Donīt let vampire resurrect dead players.
- Now uses FFA spawnpoints in domination.
- Workaround for Kamikaze bug.
- g_autonextmap added ("Auto change level" in the menu). Randomly picks a new map once the current map has ended. The maps allowed for each gametype are configurable.
- You can now see how much health the obelisk have left in Overload
- Autoswitch weapon can now be set to only change to better or new weapons.
- Chat beep can be disabled in options.
- Changed default customvotefile to customvote.cfg.
- Added the possibility for spawning in waves. The cvar g_respawntime says how often players should spawn.
- Added a CVAR g_voteBan X - bans a player for X minutes using the KK-admin system
- Added g_gravityModifier (default 1.0) that modifies g_gravity relatively to the value set by the map.
- Additional dmflags. Most notably "Fast weapon switch" and "No self damage".
- Added a CVAR g_damageModifier to modify damage of all weapons and triggers.
- Added replace_* cvars like disable_*. Can be used like "set replace_weapon_shotgun weapon_bfg" for replacing shutgun by BFG.
- Handicap is reset to 100 once returned to the main menu. It is no longer changeable thorugh the GUI to prevent new players from hurting themself.
- Added "Click to respawn"-message. Tells the player how long until they are allowed to respawn. Very relevant for wave spawning.
- New specular code, r_specmode 1 to enable
- New environment map code, r_envmode 1 to enable
- Cascaded bloom, which is more īnaturalī, and is much faster on lower end hardware r_bloom_cascade 1 to enable
- Support for GLSL shaders!
- Bloom is not allowed if we donīt have 32-bit color for textures. This stops the user from playing with corrupt bloom in 16-bit color since the bloom code doesnīt really support that yet.