View Full Version : Huxley: First in-game footage

November 13th, 2006, 19:51
This trailer gives us a first ever glimpse at the stupendously ambitious Huxley, the Xbox 360/PC cross-platform massively multiplayer online shooter.

The 2007-due title promises player versus player battles with up to 200, an intriguing plot that ties into the platform you choose to play it on and a giant post-apocalyptic world to explore. Hit the movies tab above to see the footage.

It's clear that Huxley wears its Unreal engine pedigree proudly - the wild shootouts in this video could be straight out of that superb deathmatch mash, although Huxley's wider scope is evident in the impressively huge and expansive levels. One outdoor clip here gives you a view of an industrial themed level that, if it's all open for destruction, is staggering in size and detail.

There's more to Huxley than blasting your mates in the face, though, as the latter portion of the video illustrates. Huxley's giant world and futuro cityscapes are where 360 and PC players can meet, greet and team up for traditional quest-type adventures.

With Huxley all set to be released next year we reckon this vid is the beginning of a wave of new info. Watch this webspace.

Trailer at Gamesradar (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/pc/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=20061113151842859082&releaseId=2006062294516609081)