View Full Version : The Sony PlayStation 3 Dissected

November 13th, 2006, 19:54
What do you do if you have one of the first few thousand PlayStation 3s in the US? Take it apart

A little more than a year ago I was one of the lucky few outside of Microsoft to see the inner workings of an Xbox 360. This weekend I had the chance to once again delve into the inner workings of a truly next-generation console.

Like the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 console comes in two flavors identified mainly by the hard drive capacity: the low end model contains a 20GB hard drive and the high end model contains a 60GB hard drive. Additionally, the 60GB version also contains an 802.11b/g adaptor for wireless internet connectivity, a flash memory reader and chrome finishes. Today we will mostly focus on the 60GB version. There are other contractors working on supplying the PlayStation 3 components, but virtually the entire console is assembled by Asustek -- the same guys who make several of the Apple MacBooks.

Full Article (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=4908)

November 13th, 2006, 23:10
I must really hand it to Sony, they have certainly tried to appeal to the tech junkies on this one. Openly allowing people to upgrade their hard-drives.

For all the shitty things Sony has done in the past 6 months it comes as a huge surprise that Sony has made the PS3 in the way that they have.