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View Full Version : DVD-enhanced Wii hits Japan "latter half of 2007"

November 13th, 2006, 20:00
Via Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2006/11/13/dvd-enhanced-wii-hits-japan-latter-half-of-2007/)

A couple weeks back, the UK's Edge Magazine revealed the Wii would be getting a DVD-enhanced variant in Japan, sometime in 2007. Today, Gamasutra reports "California technology company Sonic Solutions have announced that Nintendo has chosen to use the company's software to allow a 'future version' of the Wii console to play DVD movies."

Interesting. With a DVD drive already built into every Wii, it seemed logical that a software solution was all that was needed to implement DVD playback on the Wii. Ostensibly, the reason for Nintendo's decision to not include DVD playback was the format's onerous licensing fees relative to the already high market penetration DVD players currently enjoy. Instead of releasing a "future version" of the console to the Japanese market exclusively, why not sell the DVD playback software via the console's online store to recoup the licensing fees?

I heart Nintendo
November 14th, 2006, 17:12
This is messed up. Nintendo shoulda done this from the START! At least they're some-what listening to fans.

I mean, many bitched about the "component cables only online" deal and now they'll be available in stores. Many bitched about the lack of DVD playback and now Nintendo's on the case.

It might be too little, too late. But then again, it could be better late, than never.

I think those who pick up Wii later on in the console's cycle will be gettin' a good deal witht he DVD playback.