View Full Version : Nintendo's Wii Is A Revolution

November 13th, 2006, 22:05
In 2005, when Nintendo unveiled its next-generation gaming console, the company revealed that the project's internal code name was "Revolution." Now that it's set to hit U.S stores on Nov. 19, the box will sell, oddly, as the Wii--pronounced "we." But Revolution remains a better fit.

To compete with Sony'sPS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo has re-invented videogaming, making it more social, more intuitive and surprisingly physically engaging. The Wii is indeed revolutionary, and it's potentially the device that will make videogaming as widely enjoyed as board or card games.

The feature that sets the Wii apart from both its competitors and its ancestors is the Wii remote, the device's control pad. Instead of a bulky, button-studded joystick, Nintendo has produced a slim wand that looks like a television remote control. It's connected to the console wirelessly, and more important, it's equipped with an innovative motion sensor that detects movement and rotation in three dimensions.

Full Article at Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/technology/2006/11/13/wii-review-ps3-tech-media-cx_de_1113wii.html)

I heart Nintendo
November 14th, 2006, 17:07
It's getting bad.

*breathes into a paper bag*

I actually had a dream about the Wii last night and it was SO hard for me to get one. I think I woke up before I even managed to!!

I'm hoping this dream wasn't some ominous sign...

November 14th, 2006, 17:10
In the style of cartman...

cem ennnnn

cem ennn!!!

November 14th, 2006, 17:21
I actually had a dream about the Wii last night and it was SO hard for me to get one. I think I woke up before I even managed to!!

I'm hoping this dream wasn't some ominous sign...

The sad thing is ive had a dream or two about the Wii too. My mum says im cool:cool: