View Full Version : Sony counter-intelligence plan against Anonymous

March 14th, 2012, 22:57
Security team adapting to new war on hackers; Sony division could use FBI-style profiling

The PlayStation company’s newly installed chief security officer, Brett Wahlin, is considering a range of counter-intelligence strategies that could help increase the effectiveness of the anti-fraud measures.
Wahlin, who was hired as Sony’s first security executive six months after the calamitous PlayStation Network hack, believes that the new online threat is organised “agenda driven” groups.

“The types of attacks we see are by groups with social agendas. The methods they use aren’t the same as the state-sponsored guys,” Wahlin said in an interview with Secure Business Intelligence (http://www.scmagazine.com.au/Feature/293365,exclusive-how-sony-is-fighting-back.aspx).
“At Sony, we are modifying our programs to deal less with state-sponsored [attacks] and more with socially-motivated hackers. It will be different.”
Now Sony is embarking on an ambitious user-profiling plan in the hope that it will quickly detect any illegal breaches to its internal division.
