View Full Version : Blaze confirms £500 price tag for NeoGeo X

March 15th, 2012, 23:30
Retro gaming specialist Blaze has told MCV its planned £500 price tag for the NeoGeo X is accurate, contrary to other reports circulating online.
Games news website Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-15-neogeo-handheld-confirmed-500-price-tag-mooted) posted a story suggesting the £500 price tag is innacurate. It also said a Blaze spokesperson confirmed this.
However, Blaze has told MCV that the £500 price is on the cards but the company is keeping an open mind to a potential price drop.
This £500 figure is based on a conversation MCV had with Blaze today (Thursday, March 15th). It is not based on a 'month-old forum post', which Eurogamer claimed.
You can read more details on the NeoGeo X (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/new-neogeo-x-handheld-console-confirmed/092838) here.
