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View Full Version : Eye of Judgement shows its hand

November 15th, 2006, 19:58
One of the more unusual games making its way to PS3 is Eye of Judgement - a game that uses EyeToy magickery to transform a round-the-table hand of mythical-flavoured card battling into an on-screen spectacle of swords 'n' sorcery.

And now developer Sony has shuffled us some photos to illustrate how the game is played. Click the images tab above for the full deck.

It all looks pretty straightforward - place your cards on the special, rune decorated E of J mat, the watchful table lamp-style EyeToy registers what cards are laid and dutifully beams the data to your PS3. You then watch as the paper flat monsters are conjured on-screen in 3D and duke it out with opposing, fire-breathing foes.

Of course, until we've had a hands-on, we won't know how well the card registering technology works or, indeed, if the game's actually any good. We're guessing that playing in a clinically white room is entirely optional and that you will actually be required to turn your PS3 on.

Screens Here (http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=20061115123219359026&releaseId=20060509112349515095)

November 15th, 2006, 20:14
Yuuuu Giiiiiii Ohhhhhhhhhh

November 16th, 2006, 05:44
They need to be using eyetoy to make 3d fighting and adventure games. I would like to be sword fighting with eyetoy not playin no yu-gi-oh rip off. Sounds unique though.

November 16th, 2006, 11:36
If they can recreate the 3d chess game from Star Wars then i'll be happy! :)

Seriously though, this could be a real big seller in Japan as they love their card games.