View Full Version : Half of UK smartphone users get news from their devices

March 26th, 2012, 21:16
And now for some weather.
comScore's MobiLens report says nearly 37 per cent of smartphone users in EU5 reported accessing news sites via an app or browser in January 2012. That's an increase of 74 per cent over the past year.
Activity was highest in the UK, with nearly half (46.8 per cent) of smartphone users reporting having accessed news sites at least once in the past month.
Growth was fastest among the Spanish smartphone audience, which grew its monthly news access rate by127 per cent.
Overall, in the three months ending January 2012, 39.5m EU5 smartphone users accessed news sites via an app or browser on a monthly basis – that's 36.9 per cent of the total smartphone audience.
“The continued growth in smartphone adoption in Europe has fuelled the increasing consumption of news and information on-the-go,” said Hesham Al-Jehani, comScore Europe product manager for mobile.
