View Full Version : 16-Year-Old Creates Scientific/Graphing Calculator In Minecraft

March 26th, 2012, 23:54
New submitter petval tips another amazing Minecraft project: a functioning scientific/graphing calculator (http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Minecraft-Calculator-Graphing-MaxSGB-Scientific,15109.html). "On a virtual scale, the functional device is enormous — enough so that anyone in the real world would become a red blot of meat and bone staining the road if they fell from the very top. Honestly, his virtual machine looks more like a giant cargo ship ripped from a sci-fi movie than a working calculator. Yet type your problem out on the keypad, and the answer appears on a large white display mounted on the side of the monstrous brick structure." The creator says it can do "6-digit addition and subtraction, 3-digit multiplication, division and trigonometric/scientific functions ... Graphing y=mx+c functions, quadratic functions, and equation solving of the form mx+c=0." We've previously discussed the creation of a 16-bit ALU (http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/09/28/1957243/minecraft-enterprise-and-16-bit-alu) in Minecraft.