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View Full Version : So... did you get a Wii?

November 19th, 2006, 18:45
From what we understand, your chances of snagging a Wii last night or today are, statistically speaking, a helluva lot better than getting your hands on a PlayStation 3. Not that demand doesn't outstrip supply on both. So did you get one? How do you like it? If not, that's cool, no shame in the game if you tried. But we want you to tell us about it. What happened? Did you get bum-rushed and smack into a pole like that one guy? Good luck out there everybody

As i live in the UK im hoping that my over priced Wii from SuccessHK arrvies this week - wraggster

November 19th, 2006, 18:46
of course it sucks i highly do not recomend it waste your money on a 360..........jk

The Hombrew Hunter
November 19th, 2006, 18:51
Bouledogue, that was pointless.

Never do it again.

As for Wii...

F*cking Costco!

November 19th, 2006, 19:05
il have to wait im a bit straped for cash :(

November 19th, 2006, 19:40
im getting mine asap. checking walmart every day they restock. :D

November 19th, 2006, 20:15
I got mine :D :D :D!!!!!!! From my perspective TP is the best Zelda Since Ocarin. maybe even better. Starts out a little slow though. Red Steel isn't all it's cracked up to be. Wii Sports is incredible in it's simplicity but pure fun.

November 19th, 2006, 20:36
atari freak man i envy you..

November 19th, 2006, 20:58
got mine 8am at Target...man when i got there around 4am i saw 30 people on line already and by the time thye handed out numbered tickets there was well over 300. Picked up Zelda(of course) and DragonBall Z for the kiddies

November 19th, 2006, 22:52
Yeah man Target is where it's at. Everyone was at best buy since midnight. I found out Target was getting more in than best buy and I wouldn't have to wait till 10am. I got up at 6 and made it there at 6:30. I was 20th in line and even at 7:55 when they were handing out tickets there still were a few left. We got 45 here in Wilmington, NC. Everyone in line was very cool. Mix of hardcore gamers, moms, dads and young teens. The vibe in line was really cool! Everyone walked out happy and the manager said they were getting about 30 more on Wed. Today is an awesome day.

The Hombrew Hunter
November 20th, 2006, 21:09
Well, turns out today...

I gots one!

So, my sister's friend got one and DIDN'T CALL US to tell us there were 10 extra spots in line.

He apologized, he said he thought we got one.

His hideous girlfriend got one the same night.

When he learned this, he called up my mom, and, I guess to apologize, SOLD US THE WII!

So, I have a Wii, and today, Mom got Twilight Princess for 45 dollars and 5 shipping off of ebay.

Stupid seller, though. Got PAL boxart off of the Internet instead of taking a picture. Luckily, I saw that it's NTSC in the description, she's from Florida, and they're not selling TP in Europe yet.

AND, I don't get to play it 'till Dec. 22, but Mom might let me "check for the online error" (the Fatal Error, as some call it), and if I have TP before I get the Wii, I'll try to weasel some gameplay off of her! Or if I don't "check for the error" before I get TP, that might work.